Hi everyone,
today we would like to discuss beam ships and how to build them. This guide should show you the general way of building it for different ships and layouts and what is important. We hope it would help you to identify the best choice for yourself
Unlocks: all CrtH, Battery Expertise, Max Hull, Threat Control and full Focused Frenzy. Insted of Shield Hardness and Regeneration you can also use Improved Impulse Expertise and Defensive Subsystem Tuning.
Intelligence primary, Strategist secondary
- Tac Slots: Rare or very rare male tacticals with Superior Romulan Operative (Fleet Embassy – Recruitment Tier 2, required) if your ship can cloak, Watcher Companions otherwise.
- Eng Slots: Also Romulans w/ Superior Romulan Operative (Fleet Embassy), Watcher Companions or (a bit worse) Jem’hadar Vanguard (Big Vanguard Pack) or Nausicaan (Diplomatic Commendation Rank 4 or Exchange for KDF) and Kentari (Fleet Colony -Tier 5 Morale, if you have 2 Eng slots)
- Sci Slots: Again Romulans w/ Superior Romulan Operative (Fleet Embassy), Watcher CompanionsJem’hadar Vanguard (Big vanguard pack) or Hierarchy Boff (Episode “Alliances”) and Kentari (Fleet Colony, if you have 2 Sci slots)
- 4-5x Boffs with Superior Romulan Operative (Exchange rare/very rare usually cheap, if you own the Delta Operations Pack, use the Eng Boff from that Pack)
- 1x Reman with Superior Infiltrator (Only when you’re flying a ship with Battle Cloak, if you own the Delta Operations Pack, use the Tac Boff from that Pack)
- Kentari (Fleet Colony, if you have one already otherwise not really needed)
Tactical Boff Abilities:
- Fire at Will (you want ALWAYS the highest rank possible on your ship. Highest priority for your ship if you want to use FAW for an AoE or tank build)
- Beam Overload (you want ALWAYS the highest rank possible on your ship. Highest priority for your ship if you want to use BO for a single target build)
- Attack Pattern Beta (I or III depends on ship layout, required)
- Kemocite Laced Weaponry (I or II, depends on ship layout, required)
- Torpedo Spread (Usually used as a trigger ability for competitive engines and Inspirational Leader, choose the highest version possible, when using a torpedo for a Polaron or Plasma Build)
- Tactical Team (I, defensive cooldown with small damage boost, can help a lot to survive. Only unslot it if you know what you’re doing)
- Beam Overload (I, usually used as a trigger ability for the competitive engines and Inspirational Leader)
- Distributed Targeting (If you have nothing better to slot)
- Best Served Cold (If you have nothing better to slot)
- Cannon Scatter Volley or Cannon Rapid Fire (As a trigger ability for colony consoles)
- Attack Pattern Delta (I or III, depends on the ship layout. Strongly recommended for tanks)
Engineering Boff Abilities:
- Emergency Power to Weapons (required, usually the highest version possible slotted)
- Emergency Power to Engines I (required, usually as Ensign ability)
- Auxiliary to Battery I (For cooldown reduction management with boffs, usually the lowest possible)
- Directed Energy Modulation (The rank you have room for, lower priority than Emergency Power to Weapons)
- Reverse Shield Polarity (If you have problems with surviving, can replace Directed Energy Modulation)
- Engineering Team (Heal, normally a filler ability if you have room for it as Ensign ability)
Science Boff Abilities:
- Hazard Emitter I (Heal and cleanse, normally used as ensign ability)
- Science Team I (Shield Heal and cleanse, normally used as ensign ability)
- Photonic Officer (For Cooldown Management, in case you don’t want to use Aux2Bat)
- Subspace Vortex (Additional EPG AoE Damage, for high-end runs or if you have nothing better to slot)
- Very Cold in Space (additional EPG Aoe Damage, for high-end runs or if you have nothing better to slot)
- Tractor Beam (trigger ability for Unconventional Systems personal trait, highly situational choice)
Specialist Boff Abilities:
- Narrow Sensor Bands (Miracle Worker – Highest rank possible, usually III)
- Mixed Armaments Synergies (Miracle Worker – Rank I or III depending on the ship and if it does not interfere with your Fire mode for example)
- Override Subsystem Safeties (Intel – Preferably the highest version if it does not interfere with other abilities with higher priority like fire modes)
- Recursive Shearing (Temporal Operative – Rank I or III depending on the ship, lower priority than fire mode)
- Pilot Team (Pilot – if you have nothing better to slot)
- Intel Team (Intel – if you have nothing better to slot)
Example Layouts:
These are here to give you an idea of how a Bridge Officer layout could look like. Some examples for Beam Overload, some for Fire at Will.
- 3x Technician: Auxiliary to Battery CD Reduction (required for A2B builds, discount, can be obtained via B’tran Cluster chain for free or via commendation ranks store)
- Energy Weapon Officer: Chance for CRTH (expensive, rare is usually good enough)
- Energy Weapon Officer: Chance for CRTD (expensive, rare is usually good enough)
- Emergency Conn Hologram: CD Reduction for Evasive Maneuvers (Phoenix store, just get one!) and/or
- Shield Distribution Officer (Agent Nerul): Attack Pattern Beta restores hull when firing (Delta operations pack, 12k zen pack. just use him when you have him) and/or
- Space Warfare Specialist: When activating Eng or Tac Boff Abilities, 20% Chance to get 10% of your outgoing damage as heal for the next 10 hits (if you don’t own Agent Nerul)
- Fabrication Engineer: Increase Duration of Reverse Shield Polarity (Only useful when using Reverse Shield Polarity!)
- Elder Malik’itan (Warfare Master, Gamma Recruit, ground slot): Increase damage vs All (if you have him, slot him!)
- Neal Falconer (Ground Warfare Specialist, Phoenix store, ground slot): Increase damage vs Borg (just get one, it’s not a mistake )
- Assimilated DOFFs like 20/22/25/27 of 47
Personal Space Traits
Here’s a list with some useful traits. Which one you use depends a bit on the mission.
- Fleet Coordinator (Free)
- Superior Beam/Cannon Training – Basis version for free, superior version obtainable at K-13
- Intelligence Agent Attaché (exchange or Lockbox)
- Inspirational Leader (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
- Duelist’s Favor (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – more interesting for cannon builds
- Into the Breach (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
- Point Blank Shot (Episode: House Pegh)
- Terran Targeting Systems (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
- Context is for Kings (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
- Adaptive Offense (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
- Fragment of AI Tech (Exchange or Angel’s Wake Lock Box) – add 2 skillpoints to Control Expertise (move from Shield Hardness & Regeneration)
Recommended race/profession-specific
- A good day to die (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Great for Tacs
- EPS Overload (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Kind of must-have for Engs
- EPS Manifold Efficiency (free) – Very useful for Engs
- Photonic Reinforcement (exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Great for Sci Captains
- Romulan Operative (free) – Only for Romulans
- Infiltrator – mandatory for Remans on Warbirds
Other helpful traits
- Fluidic Cocoon (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Only if you get hit by torpedos
- Give Your All (Lvl 15 Engineering R&D School) – For fluffy captains
- Repair Crews (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Another anti-fluffy trait
- Unconventional Tactics (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – CD reduction for universal consoles, highly situational
Space Reputation Traits
- Advanced Targeting Systems (Dyson T2): +16% CrtD on Rank I or +20% CrtD on Rank II
- Precision (Romulan T2): +4% CrtH (I) or +5% CrtH (II)
- Tyler’s Duality (Discovery T4): +CrtH depending on your hull capacity
- Energy Refrequencer (Iconian T2): more heals, awesome and I would highly suggest using this one.
- Controlled Countermeasures (Temporal T4): +addtional DMG against controlled targets => Only for A2B Builds
- Tactical Advantage (Dyson T2): More Armor Pen
- Magnified Firepower (Gamma T4): +5% DMG (I) or +6,3% DMG (II)
- Enhanced Armor Penetration (Delta T2): +5 Armor Pen (I) or + 6.3 Armor Pen (II)
Starship Traits
Strongly recommended
- Emergency Weapon Cycle – (Arbiter/Morrigu(cross-faction)/Kurak)
- Entwined Tactical Matrices (for Fire at Will and/or Torps) – (Gagarin / Qugh)
OR - Redirecting Arrays (for Fire at Will) – (Tucker/Tebok(cross-faction)/Klothos)
OR - Superweapon Ingenuity (for Beam Overload) – (Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser – Lobi)
and then choose 4 of them:
- Weapon Emitter Overdrive (Vaadwaur Juggernaut – Promo)
- Calm Before the Storm (Cardassian Intel Flight-Deck Cruiser)
- Terran Goodbye (Mirror Warship – Infinity)
- Cold-Hearted – Must have for A2B (Breen Plesh Tral Heavy Raider Winter 2017/18)
- Superior Area Denial – If you don’t have A2B or the raider or as an addition (Mirror Universe Engle-class Strike Wing Escort/Infinity Pack: Starship Trait)
- Vaulting Ambition (Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser)
- Strike from Shadows (Shran Escort)
- Super Charged Weapons – if you’re using a torpedo this has high priority (Kopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird, cross-faction or one of the other Tactical Flagships)
- Promise of Ferocity (Thozyn/Vandros/Xechas)
- Improved Critical Systems (AoY Event)
- History Will Remember (Support Cruiser T6)
- Improved Unconventional Tactics (Strategist Spec, Discount version if you don’t have anything else to use)
- Superior Command Frequency (Command Spec, Discount version if you don’t have anything else to use)
And finally all the gear choices you can make. Choose the stuff you have or you could effort
- Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Array [EPS] [ColCrit] [DrainX]x2 – (Fleet Colony Holding, Re-Eng DrainX to something more valuable like HullCap, low priority)
- Prevailing Innervated Impulse Engines (Competitive Reputation) OR
- Combat Impulse Engines [Spd]x4 (Discount Version, Crafted via RnD)
Warp Core / Singularity Core:
- Mycelial Harmonic Matter-Antimatter Core (Discovery Reputation) OR
- Mycelial Harmonic Singularity Core (Discovery Reputation) OR
- Elite Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Core [AMP] [ECap] [Eff] [SSS] [W->A] (Fleet Spire – Research Tier 3) OR
- Elite Fleet Thoron-Infused Singularity Core [AMP] [Res or OLoad] (Fleet Spire – Research Tier 3) OR
- Deuterium-Stabilized Warp Core [Bat] [W->A or E] (Discount Version, Crafted via RnD) OR
- Thoron-Infused Singularity Core (Discount Version, Crafted via RnD)
- Tilly’s Review-Pending Modified Shield (Discovery Reputation) OR
- Hyper Capacitor Shield Array [Cap]x5 (Crafted Via RnD, as much cap as possible, min. 3) OR
- Prevailing Innervated Resilient Shield Array (Competitive Reputation) OR
- Regenerative Crystal Shield Matrix (Discount Version, Episode “Para Pacem”)
And here we have the different weapon types you might want to use. Choose the one you prefer
All weapons should have [CrtD] or [Dmg] and [Crtd/Dm] mods. For Beam Overload Builds you should go with Dual Beam Banks, for Fire at Will Beam Arrays. In case you’re on a Miracle Worker ship you might consider using one turret as one of your aft weapons, to make use of the damage bonus granted by Mixed Armaments Synergy.
- Phaser Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank (Discovery Reputation)
- Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo (Discovery Reputation, if you would like to use a Torpedo)
- Terran Task Force Beam Array (Terran Reputation T6)
- Prolonged Engagement Beam Array (Phoenix Store)
- Advanced Phaser Beam Array (Discovery Constitution or Legendary Dsc Constitution)
- Targeting-Linked Phaser Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Targeting-Linked Phaser Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Sensor-Linked Phaser Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Sensor-Linked Phaser Dual Beam Banks (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Phaser Beam Array [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Phaser Dual Beam Bank [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Quantum Beam Array (Discount, Episode “Sunrise”)
- Trilithium Omni Beam (Episode Reward “Beyond the Nexus”) OR
- Trilithium Turret (Episode Reward “Beyond the Nexus”, use on a Miracle Worker Ship for Mixed Armaments Synergy)
- Gamma Reputation Turret or Omnibeam (Gamma Reputation)
- Advanced Phaser Beam Array (Discovery Constitution or Legendary Dsc Constitution)
- Sensor-Linked Phaser Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Targeting-Linked Phaser Beam (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega Reputation, in Combination with the Assimilated Module Console for Beam Overload Builds)
- Disruptor Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank (Discovery Reputation)
- Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo (Discovery Reputation, if you would like to use a Torpedo)
- Terran Task Force Beam Array (Terran Reputation)
- Experimental Romulan Disruptor Beam Array (Romulan Reputation T6)
- Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Array (Dilithium Store, Cardassian Ship required to claim. Choose the Cardassian Flight Deck Carrier if you buy one)
- Spiral Wave Disruptor Dual Beam Bank (Dilithium Store, Cardassian Ship required to claim. Choose the Cardassian Flight Deck Carrier if you buy one)
- Advanced Disruptor Beam Array (Discovery Constitution or Legendary Dsc Constitution)
- Targeting-Linked Disruptor Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Targeting-Linked Disruptor Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Sensor-Linked Disruptor Beam Array(Lockbox/Exchange)
- Sensor-Linked Disruptor Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Disruptor Dual Beam Array [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Disruptor Dual Beam Bank [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Martok Omni Beam (Discount, Episode “Brushfire”, use on a Miracle Worker Ship)
- Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Array (Dilithium Store, Cardassian Ship required to claim. Choose the Cardassian Flight Deck Carrier if you buy one)
- Advanced Disruptor Beam Array (Discovery Constitution or Legendary Dsc Constitution)
- Targeting-Linked Disruptor Omni Beam (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Targeting-Linked Disruptor Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Disruptor Beam Array [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega Reputation, in Combination with the Assimilated Module Console for Beam Overload Builds)
- Advanced Piezo-Plasma Beam Array (Lukari Reputation)
- Altamid Modified Kelvin Torpedo (Lobi Store)
- Altamid or Viridian Plasma Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange) OR
- Altamid or Viridian Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox / Exchange) OR
- Assimilated Plasma Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange) OR
- Assimilated Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox / Exchange) OR
- Plasma Beam Array [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array (Romulan Reputation)
- Altamid Modified Plasma Omni (Lobi Store)
- Viridian Omni (Lockbox / Exchange)
- Altamid or Viridian Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange)
- Assimilated Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange)
- Plasma Beam Array [PEN] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega Reputation, in Combination with the Assimilated Module Console for Beam Overload Builds)
- Advanced Piezo-Polaron Beam Array (Lukari Reputation)
- Morphogenic Polaron Energy Torpedo Launcher (Episode “Home”)
- Dominion Beam Array (Discount and Best in Slot, Old Episode Reward via Available, Lost Dominion Arc, “Boldly They Rode”)
- Vaadwaur Polaron Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange)
- Vaadwaur Polaron Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox / Exchange)
- Polaron Beam Array [Pen]
- Polaron Dual Beam Bank [Pen]
- Morphogenic Polaron Energy Weapon (Episode “Home”, required)
- Advanced Inhibiting Polaron Heavy Turret (Gamma Reputation, useful for Miracle Worker ships)
- Polaron Beam Array [Pen]
- Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega Reputation, in Combination with the Assimilated Module Console for Beam Overload Builds)
- Ba’ul Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Ba’ul Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Ba’ul Linked Sentry Anti-Proton Kinetic Torpedo (Lobistore)
- Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo (Discovery Reputation T1)
- Advanced Thoron Infused Antiproton Beam Array (Delta Reputation T6)
- Advanced Radiant Antiproton Beam Array (Iconian Reputation T4)
- Advanced Temporal Defence Chroniton Beam Array (Temporal Reputation T4)
- Antiproton Beam Array (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Voth Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Voth Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox(Exchange)
- Herald Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Herald Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Delphic Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Delphic Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Dual Overcharged Delphic Antiproton Beam Bank (Lobistore)
- Chroniton Dual Beam Bank (Lobistore)
- Crystalline Energy Torpedo Launcher (Phoenix Store)
- Omni-Directional Ba’ul Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Ba’ul Antiproton Turret (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Ba’ul Linked Sentry Anti-Proton Omni (Lobistore)
- Ba’ul Linked Sentry Anti-Proton Kinetic Torpedo (Lobistore)
- Antiproton Beam Array (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
- Ancient Omni-Directional Antiprtonon Beam Array (Episode: Sphere of Influence)
- Voth Antiproton Beam Array /Lockbox/Exchange)
- Omni-Directional Voth Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Voth Antiproton Turret (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Herald Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Herald Antiproton Turret (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Delphic Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Omni-Directional Delphic Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Delphic Antiproton Turret (Lockbox/Exchange)
- Ba’ul Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
As for the Consoles, all tactical slots are reserved for the listed consoles. The Engineering and Science slots are usually filled by Universal Consoles from our list or with Eng/Sci-Consoles to complete Sets.
Tactical Consoles:
- Lorca’s Custom Fire Controls (Discovery Reputation)
- Morphogenic Console (Episode “Home”, required for polaron builds)
- Vulnerability Locator [your damage type] (for the rest of the slots, Fleet Spire Holding) OR
- Vulnerability Exploiter [your damage type] as an addition if your CrtH stat for weapons in combat is well above 80%
- Energetic Protomatter Matrix Infuser [your damage type][Kinetic] (In case you need more survivability, Fleet Colony Holding)
- Chronometric Capacitor (Discount, Polaron, Episode “Time and Tide”, not great, only use if you cannot afford more Locators or Protomatter consoles)
- Weapon Type Specific Console Mk XI or XII (Placeholder ONLY!! Use them until you can afford Locator and/or Protomatter consoles. DO NOT!!! upgrade, keep them at rare/very rare Mk XI/XII as a placeholder. REPEAT: DO NOT WASTE RESOURCES ON UPGRADING THEM!!)
Universal Consoles:
- Dynamic Power Redistributor (Fed-Fed/Jem: Atlas Class Prototype Dreadnought, KDF/KDF-Jem/ROM: Console Choice Pack, Lockbox/Exchange)
- D.O.M.I.N.O. (Bajoran Interceptor)
- Bioneural Infusion Circuit (Lobi Store)
- Altamid Modified Swarm Processor (Lobi Store)
- M6 Tactical Computer (Temporal Escort – Perseus Class T3)
- Approaching Agony (Phaser Build, Lockbox/Exchange)
- Weaponized Helical Torsion (Phaser Build, Legendary Discovery or Mirror Discovery)
- Ordnance Accelerator (Phaser and Polaron Builds, Gamma Reputation)
- Piezo-Electric Focuser (Polaron and Plasma Builds, Lukari Reputation)
- Assimilated Module (Omega Reputation, Discount)
- Zero Point Module (Romulan Reputation, Discount)
- Tachyokinetic Converter (Lobi Store)
- Point Defense Bombardement Warhead (NX Ship, Lobi-Store or Legendary Version)
- Hull Image Refractor (for survivability, Lockbox / Exchange)
- Reiterative Structural Capacitor (Phoenix Store)
- Regenerative Integrity Field (for survivability, Samsar Cruiser, Epic Phoenix Token)
- Protomatter Field Projector (for survivability, Lukari Science Ship, Epic Phoenix Token)
- Aligned Antiproton Shielding (Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser)
- Temporal Anomaly Projector (AP Build, Lockbox/Exchange)
- Polymorphic Probe Array (AP Build, Lockbox/Exchange)
- Ba’ul Linked Sentry Coordination Matrix (AP Build, Lobi-Store)
Engineering Consoles:
- Reinforced Armaments (Phaser Builds, Episode “Beyond the Nexus”)
- House Martok Defensive Configuration (Disruptor Build, Discount version, Episode “Brushfire”)
- Bellum EPS Flow Regulator (Discount, free from boxes while leveling up Discovery reputation, only use these if you don’t have anything else, but choose these if you have the choice)
- Bellum RCS Accelerator (Discount, free from boxes while leveling up Discovery reputation, only those use if you don’t have anything else)
Science Consoles:
- Temporal Disentanglement Suite (Discount Version, Episode: “Butterfly”, for non-Aux2Bat Builds)
- Nausicaan Siphon Capacitor (Disruptor Builds, Discount Version, Episode “Echoes of Light”)
- Quantum Phase Converter (Phaser Builds, Discount Version, Episode “Sunrise”)
- Bellum Field Generator (Discount, free from boxes while leveling up Discovery reputation, use only if nothing better is available)
- Bellum Nanite-Reinforced Circuitry (Discount, free from boxes while leveling up Discovery reputation, use only if nothing better is available)
Example Layouts
Beam Overload Example :
Antiproton Beams: Ba’ul beams work extremely well with Kemocite, so it’s highly recommended to use the Boff Layout with Kemo III listed above.
The layouts can be used for any faction and profession and any ship able to use beams.
Feel free to comment below or ask us directly via discord or in-game.
Why is emergency powers to engines required?
let me quote myself from the same question regarding cannons:
for the speed boost, to get into position fast enough. you could replace it with epts tho, but i wouldnt recommend that. its by far not as noticable as an epte
Just wanted to say as a vet who has returned from like an 8 year hiatus, this guide has been incredibly helpful for getting back into ship building. I’ve referenced it frequently. Thanks much!
thats always great to hear, thanks
why no countercommand set on that plasma build?
also the cannon build doesnt have it anymore
the console is usualy too weak to slot it for all of them. its usualy just not worth it to use. its a discount possibility tho
Hi guys,
I have been experimenting with my Gagarin beam build (sensor phasers) for PVP, used some of your advice but still struggling with it a tad, specially against Intel and all the players who have to hide and fight
And advice. I can post you my build of needed
Alternatively whats your discord channel ?
pvp builds are usualy quite different to pve builds. check the discord tab for the link, its part of our menu
Hello, is the secondary shield Projector worth using with the DPRM for the 2piece 33% dis damage.
mostly its not. only if you dont have anything else to slot there its good
Ok, thanks
Last I played was 2012’ish and I just came back a little bit ago. I still love my jem bug ship for my tac, but it seems squishy now. As a min/max what ship can I squeeze the highest dps from and what fit? Have about 1.5b and a good pile of lobi stashed?
depend on what you wanna fly.
if you wanna use energy weapons, propably the vaadwaur juggernaught promo ship, but its a big ship and you need to pilot it propperly.
easiest way right now would be a torpedo build with a tzentar or an epg build with a verne. but feel free to join our discord and talk with us there directly
Will do! I play at work, so limited to 40hrs a week lol.
Does it make any sense to play an engineer right now? I mean, it`s almost not needed to have a tank (at least in the “normal” and “heavy” stf).
So, do i skill my “eng” the same way i skill my “Tac”, DPS, DPS, DPS?
Just wondering
Engs have some decent traits and abilities so they can keep up with tacs when flying beam boats. You may even skill them a bit more offensive than tacs. At the end the builds are actually similar.
Thx Hellspawny. Will try to do so
I checked your ship builds but it doesn’t show the bridge officers/abilities in the skill planner .
But we did not link any builds to STO Academy here? Sample BO setups are included in this guide.
I noticed a Jem’Hadar Vanguard Boff on a federation ship on one of your example layouts. I thought only Jem captains could get those?
https://sto.gamepedia.com/Jem%27Hadar_Vanguard_Bridge_Officers can be used by all characters
Yes but under “Ship guides” it is linked to sto academy (way better then looking at screenshots and thinking about which console is in the picture).
would be helpful to know which ship… (and posted under the specific ship post)
in addition, stoacademy is usualy completly out of date
I’ve been running (and spent a decent amount of time and effort on)
an AP build. Is that something I should just abandon and start from scratch?
No need to abandon it. with the introduction of the Ba’ul Weapons AP builds are pretty strong now. an example should be added to our how to guide soon
but feel free join our discord and ask there
Example added.
Between Phaser and Antiproton Which would you say is the stronger option right now?
Ba’ul Antiproton with Kemocite III is quite overpowered at the moment.
Ok So between a Scatter/FaW/Overload build, which build is the best one and which one would be a runner up in case I couldn’t afford it.
Also on the example above why only normal arrays instead of Dual arrays?
What is the 4th Engineering console on the Good Shepard?
The Altamid (lobi) console – gives crth and acc.
For those of us without access to Super Weapon Ingenuity, how well do the Ba’ul weapons + Kemocite work with FAW and Cannon builds?
My best result from Kemocite 3 alone in ISE so far was 167k with FAW/Beam Arrays and 111k with Scatter Volley. So I’d say a bit too well.
I do not understand how to get such high numbers. With Kemo 3 on similar Ba’ul build as above (with cannons instead of beams and csv) i only get about 12K with Kemo 3. While the build does about 300K in ISA.
Any chance on getting some links to these builds? Im returning after a long, long break and I dont know what half these consoles are just by pictures :/
(Specifically the phaser build)
basically they are all listed in the list of consoles already.
but feel free to join our discord to ask specifically for a console you dont know
for the phaser build its:
universal => discovery rep lorca console
eng => assimilated module, trilithium set console (epsiode reward combination with omni beam), weaponized helicial torsion, domino, dynamic power
sci => bioneural infusion, altamid (both lobi)
tac => locator
Quick question. I do not recognize the 2nd and 4th engineering consoles and the far right fore weapon?
sorry, on the antiproton build.
D.O.M.I.N.O and Altamid console, Dark Matter Quantum torp.
you have a mission reward shield discount option. are there recommended mission reward discount options for deflector, impulse, and core?
also, what are your thoughts on Console – Engineering – Trellium-D Plating and
Console – Tactical – Counter-Command Multi-Conduit Energy Relay in a discount setup?
thank you!
Consoles… I’d rather use cheap Bellum consoles from the discovery rep.
Discount options for
Engines: Combat Impulse Engines [Spd]x4 (Discount Version, Crafted via RnD)
Shields: Regenerative Crystal Shield Matrix (Discount Version, Episode “Para Pacem”)
Core: Deuterium-Stabilized Warp Core [Bat] [W->A or E] (Discount Version, Crafted via RnD)
thank you for the reply. and for the deflector if i don’t have access to that fleet one yet?
As long as your fleet has provisions you can buy it on someone else’s colony. Just ask for an invite in the DPS-Channels or NoP.
All other free deflectors don’t add any real value besides more hull or shield. Kobali, Sol, Bajoran are ok.
this isn’t a question about beam builds it’s about ships. I notice on your ship builds section you don’t got builds for La Sirena Heavy Raider, Vulcan Experimental Scout Vessel, Freedom Exploration Frigate? Is that because you started doing this beam section and the cannon one or are those ships not good or something?
Actually, we normally post only ships we own and we consider top tier. This applies especially to our general articles, like this one or those abou cannon and sci ships (I will add some more ships to that if it’s a bit cooler here). Of course we will also post builds for other ships if enough people ask for them. But these three you mentioned weren’t received well by the playerbase. You’re also the first one to ask about them, as far as I know.
So I’d pick one of those:
– Vaadwaur Juggernaut, awesome trait, awesome ship for cannons
– Donnie / Miracle D7 because of being Donnie and D7 and also for their great BO layout and beams. And 2 hangars. And all the rest.
Or just sell it and buy one or two other great ships, i.E. Verne, Tzen-Tar, Husnock.
This is just my opinion, if you want to hear other’s, feel free to join our Discord.
Why I’m asking is because I managed to get a Special Requisition Choice Pack – Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack from the infinity promo R&D going on and I’m really doing my research on which ship to grab I don’t want to pick one and have buyers remorse after.
Excellent Guide!!! Only one build missing – Tetryon.
We haven’t used Tetryon in years. If new things come into the game that make it stronger, then we will add gear and builds for it.
Tetryon is weak and won’t be listed here.
Is there going to be a ground combat guide like this or is Soludor’s Ground Builds applicable still?
Do you have a guide for Experimental Weapons? I was wondering because I’m nearing the T6 for my reputations and I’m thinking of grabbing the Fleet Caitian Shikaris Escort for the Experimental Railgun but if the railgun Isn’t all that good then I wont use my fleet ship modules on it.
We don’t have a guide for them. Experimental Protomatter-Laced Sheller is probably the best DPS weapon. I still prefer Graviton Implosion Charges, it’s mini gravity well helps to get NPCs into the area of ‘small’ aoe effects. Voice of the Prophet is also quite powerful.
Why is Devastating Weaponry (2.5% CrtH) on the Starship Traits list please?
Sorry, I don’t see it in that list. It’s a starship mastery unlock, not a final tier mastery unlock = starship trait.
I’m sorry I got my wires crossed somehow.
I have a question about the DOFFs: I have all the DOFFs in this list except for Agent Nerul (the Delta pack is on my list) and the unobtainable one from an old event. If I understand correctly, these DOFFs only provide their benefit when they are on active space duty. Yet you have 3x A2B listed. If you can only slot 5, how do you determine which of the available DOFFs will provide the best benefit under the widest variety of circumstances?
As long as you use Aux2Bat 3 technicians are the way to go. Means just 2 more. I’d always use the Emergency Conn Holo for a better uptime of Evasive Maneuvers. Leaves one slot for you. Cheapest option would be a blue Energy Weapon Officer with crit severity for energy weapons. The spacerich would use 22 or 27 of 47 for a chance of 20% CrtD. If you don’t need the Conn Holo, a blue Energy Weapon Officer with crit chance will do.
I have the purple EWO CrtD and CrtH officers, 22 of 47 and three purple Aux2Batts slotted currently. I have the evasive maneuvers one as well, but I don’t seem to get as much use out of it as you suggest. You definitely feel strongly that evasive maneuvers is worth pulling one of the purple Crit chances? Thank you.
Also, I have Neal Falconer slotted in ground per your recommendation, but I don’t understand how he is relevant to space DPS. Can you explain it please?
Read him again. He affects ground AND space. So does Ang the Vicious, and Elder Malik’itan (or however you spell his name).
I’m a little confused by the last example layout for BOFFs and hope someone can help me out here.
Why is Kemocite III used instead of I/II with FAW III and if that actually is intentional, why use FAW I and Torp Spread II instead of Torp Spread I and FAW II?
The last example is the layout for the Ba’ul AP build. Kemocite III is just awesome with Ba’ul weapons. TS II attacks 4 targets, TS I 3. You’ll use Entwined Tactical Matrices anyway, so in the end it won’t matter that much if you switch FAW and TS around.
I just got Preferential Targeting from the NX Refit. It seems like a solid DPS trait and it isn’t mentioned here. If you don’t mind I’d like to get your thoughts on it, and ask if it’s worth it to slot one FAW on a BO ship to trigger Preferential Targeting. Thanks and thanks so much for these guides.
Shoot Scatter Volley as your non-interfering trigger
What Specializations do you guys recommend? the usual Int as primary and Strategist as Secondary?
With the To Hell With Honor event lobi what do you guys recommend for lobi store must have consoles.
It looks like in all your ship screen caps u have the Altamid Modified Swarm Processor and Bioneural Infusion Circuit so I can assume that those 2 for sure.
Can Beam Overload be used with Singularity Overcharge? It seems to only work if I use BO first.
Singularity Overcharge is a weak weapon buff that also locks out all other firing modes. I would not use it at all.
What tier in the Phoenix store is the Reiterative Structural Capacitor available?
Last I knew it didn’t make the jump from the weekend event store and I can’t find it.
It’s not in the Phoenix box yet.
I usually use SO on final ship/boss. I’m spamming BO due to the short cool down but I’m concerned that could lock out my crits and lower my dps. My torps still crit during BO.
I’d get Superweapon Ingenuity for 15s uptime of BO. It’s so much better than SO.
What are your thoughts on the torp launcher for the Ba’ul/Kemo AP build?
If I have both the Lobi Ba’ul Torp and the Dark Matter Quantum Torp, which one should I use? (I also have the other 2 Lobi Ba’ul pieces and Lorca’s Custom Fire Controls)
What set bonus do you think would be better, the 3-pc Ba’ul or the 2-pc lorca/discovery rep? Or do you think it’s sensible to just use both torp launchers in the front weapon slots?
I’ve placed the Ba’ul torp on the aft slot. 4 beams and DM torp front, Ba’ul Lobi omni and Torp rear. And normaly a Ba’ul turret for miracle worker stuff or starship traits. Means the torp won’t fire but adds a great active ability.
What’s that leftmost aft weapon on the Disruptor example loadout? The other 2 are the Martok one and the Terran array, right?
That is a linked disruptor omni. You can get by cheaper by replacing that with an Disruptor Omni from the exchange.
Ummm. Idk what is worse… The fact you did nearly a 99% Great post, and forgot to add in the additional skill unlocks you have to choose in the skill tree after selecting the main skills. Or, the fact im the only one to notice it…
Yeah, someone forgot to add them. But the unlocks are pretty obvious anyway.
Hello I want to use Ba’Ul antiproton weapons in a Khopesh Warbird. But I have no idea what the layout should look like. Since I own all 3 T6 Dreadnought Wardbirds, I don’t know if I should use the flagship consoles. Could someone show me a good anti-porotn build?
a good antiprotonbild for my Khopesh
I’d try the Gagarin build, move the Lorca console to a tac slot. Replace the Altamid with the Flagship Tactical Computer if you want to help the team. The turret is not needed, so replace it with another beam array.
You have a turret on the AP Gagarin build but not the plasma one, which turret would you recommend for plasma. the CC rep one or purchasing an altamid instead?
Turrets won’t deal much damage, so it’s not really important which one to pick. I’d use an Altamid. But that’s for visuals.
Sweet, happened to have a weapon pack on an alt so I have one of those to use. Much appreciated
Does Elachi disruptors have better DPS than Coalition disruptors?
Both have a 2.5% proc chance per firecycle. Coalitions are very good for the team if the other players also use disruptors. Elachi offer some very good debuffs. I like Elachi cannons for their fx. They’re also superior if you’re using beam overload. For FAW it doesn’t really matter which one you use. For disruptors Spirals outclass anything else.
I have access to spirals, I will need to upgrade them sometime on my alien tack rom, -I’m upgrading account bound stuff right now. Also, I figured out that singularity overcharge is helpful with the Terran singularity core which I use on one toon since I am deep in the engineering treat and get 150 power levels for weapons and auxiliary. The Terran singularity core gives +20 crit severity with overcharge. I will run a combo of coalition and elachi front and rear and broadside ^^
overcharge is the singularity ability only. its not a flat 20% crtd or so for everything, just for the limited duration you run that singularity power
Whats the weapon in the right front slot in the AP Bauul build ?
Discovery Rep Torp i guess
I got an invite to two different T5 Colony Worlds to get a Kentari Eng BOFF but they were greyed out both times. I have all the dil and the fleet creds. The Lukari are the same resource reqs and they weren’t greyed out. T5 confirmed twice. Any help? Thanks
Are you really sure that those fleets were T5 in Morale?
Hmmm…. I thought the requirement was T5 Colony World. Is T5 morale different from T5 Colony World? How can I check?
One of the fleets was in my Armada and listed as T5 Colony World. The other was a fleet a friend of mine that I trust is in, also T5 Colony World.
Nevermind, I figured it out. The doofus in the Armada invited me to the wrong fleet and my friend was wrong about his fleet. Sorry to waste your time.
dont worry, hope you got a correct invite now
Personally I prefer to use the Plasma-Integrated warp with W-E rather than W-A, because that way the power does not get sucked into Aux2Bat if you are using that.
Really cool. Glad to have this. Domino is to be used even in disruptor builds? I’m not currently since it buffs Phaser.
its mainly for the clicky not the passive
Lol well yeah. I haven’t used it b/c it a phaser passive. I would have to switch out either the priors world console or the sustained radiant field console. Not really sure which to swap for DOMINO.
remove sustained radiant field
What do ppl put as extra 7th (universal) console? another tactical?
What is that console that looks like pad in universal slot?
usualy another locator console or if you dont use it so far the discovery rep console
alright, thought as much. havent played in a while. i see new “re-engineer” option on weapons, i was running crtdx4 (crth/crtd) i guess that still applies?
crtd is stil fine yes, basically any combination of crtd/dmg is fine. you might wanna consider to change the epic mod from crth/crtd to crtd/dm
and feel free to join our discord, you usualy get answers there faster
Thanks , but even tho i was veteran before , over 2 years of constant play, right now i just wanna play casual , it bothers me a bit that everything has “finish with zen” option. so it puts me of a bit
I’m using a Fleet Gagarin Anti Proton all Beam / Omni weapons. I have a lot of good consoles but can’t fit them all and I have a hard time knowing which ones should make the cut. Are the universal consoles listed here ranked in order of best to worst? For example I don’t know when it’s better to use a generally good console like Bioneural Infusion Circuits vs something that gives a specific boosts to my energy type like Voth Phase Decoy which has +20 AP damage? Is the +all power from something like Prolonged Engagement Power Dynamo more or less useful than Crystalline Absorption Matrix that gives +19 AP damage?
usualy its crtd/crth(with a decentamount/clicky(to improve bonusdmg or haste) > damage. the prolonged console isnt great at all more a discount choice, same with some of those +20 ap dmg consoles
defnitly have a look at the ap example ship to get an idea
and feel free to join our discord, might be easier to help you directly
Thanks for the reply. I did look at the ap example ship but nothing is labeled so it’s really hard to tell what each console is just from the picture. Several of the other comments here are also from people asking what consoles are pictured. It would be very helpful if the pictures also had a written list of the weapons, consoles for people who might not recognize them just by looking at the icon. I appreciate your help!
Which Weapons have been slotted in the BO example Husnock warship? I’m terrible at telling gear from icons and only recognise the Lorca DBB & KCB
herald dbb
terran task force beam array
Piezo-Plasma Beam Array
Altamid Modified Plasma Omn
Delphic Antiproton omni
Advanced Piezo Plasma Beam,
Terran Task Force Beam,
Herald Dual Beam Bank,
Wide Arc Dual Heavy Beam Bank,
Spiral Wave Dual Beam,
Delphic Omni Beam,
Kinetic Cutting Beam,
Altamid Omni Beam (Lobi)
Have you guys looked at Terran Goodbye? Will you update this article to include it?
It’s in the article for quite some time.
Great post, thank you! Been out of the loop for a year now and am surprised to see a few things not on the list.
Is it no longer a high priority to get the 2-piece bonus with the DPRM for synergistic retrofitting?
Is Attack Pattern Delta Prime no longer beat in slot for tanking beam boats?
Delta prime is decent for tanking i guess, but not 100% sure how much its used lately. you might wanna join our discord and ask in our #tank section there
for the set, its just a +30% damage boost, thats okish but not great and there are defnitly better options available now
Thanks felisean, much appreciated!
Follow up question on torpedos: I’ve been running a single wide-angle quantum torpedo to maximize firing for supercharged weapons and minimize lockout on entwined tactical matrices
I’ve been noticing everyone slotting the Dark Matter Torp though – I’m already running to discovery rep DBB for the 2-piece on Lorca’s Ambition
Is it worth the loss in torpedo angle to switch from wide angle to dark matter? Any tips on piloting a 4/4 beam boat to still get similar performance?
I’m looking for a budget antiproton build. I have 3 ba’ul beam arrays in my invo. A the ancient omni on my day. Also have the dominion targeting synchronizer and bioneural infusion consoles equipped. As far as def and wc I have the elite fleet intervention protomatter and plasma integrated. Can’t really afford much with credits or Zen.
I use Onboard Dilithium Recrystallizer trait with 24-of-47, as well as OSS III on my Legendary Kelvin Timeline Intelligence Battlecruiser.
If you can invest enough, you may be able to enjoy +30% Bonus ALL Damage for 35 sec from that trait.
Is Calm Before the Storm still recommended even if running an Aux2Batt build and don’t need any help with CD reduction?
My assumption is that in that case I’d be better served with Terran Goodbye, Promise of Ferocity, or Super Charged Weapons in that case
Calm will add a great damage boost on maps like ISA (split runs). It’s not so valuable in elite content. TG would be the best overall, SCW is great when using a torpedo and PoF is a decent boost.
First thank you for the invesment of time it took to make this available to us, it has been a great help for me (after returning from a 4 year break). So I was wondering if any of the traits from 10th aniversary legendary pack (I had some Zen to spend) take precedence over the ones that are recommended here?
I really like Over-Powered and Over-Gunned, especially on builds with beam overload which profits from anything that buffs haste. Also, The Best Diplomat can be quite good, not so much on ships that exclusively rely on Aux2Battery. But up to 30% bonus damage instantly is definitely quite good, definitely better than i.e. Promise of Ferocity.
Are Spiral Wave Disruptors still the top disruptor/weapon? Or are Advanced Disruptors top now? I see comments that Spiral are still the best, but I can’t figure out what the reason is. Been staring at things for a while. Could I get clarification on this, please?
Also, if I got Adv or Spiral, should I go all of that type and forgo the nausicaan dis, exp rom dis, martok omni, and disc dis dual beam (I assume the terran one should be there always)?
should be quite equal at the end.
the more advanced disruptors you’re going to use the better they will be. for the special weapons you wanna use, the terran task force array is the most important one, on top the discovery rep dbb + discovery rep torp usualy. those are the ones you want to use with disruptors so 5 advanced arrays should be fine and slightly better than the spiral waves. in case you own the spiral waves already i would use them instead of building new ones
spiral wave disruptors are good because they have a hidden +15% dmg modifier and a hidden [dmg] mod
What is the purpose of projectile weapon training on a beam build?
especially for faw builds you’re usualy running a disocvery rep torpedo to consume the ETM spread proc and the boff spread
on top you get the great 2 piece bonus when using the console + the torpedo
What if I’m going for a beam overload
if you’re sure you dont want to use a torpedo at all put those points into defense since you want 27 points in tactical.
feel free to join our discord, you might get answeres there way faster
Ok thanks
How Squishy does the build become if you use the Fleet Elite Plasma-Intergrated Warp Core?
Hi saw the post about the best sci ship you can get now.
So please let me know what the best beam boat we could get now would be. Also the best beam boat ever. I am so excited to be retired and back in the game.
Huge thanks for this site and all the time and thought that your team puts into it!
For me it’s the miracle worker D7.
Ohh I am a fire at will kinda beamer.
Also I like 53 a tad better than going round and round :).
Can someone please elaborate on why “Emergency Power to Engines I” is listed as required?
EPtE and Emergency Conn Hologram are useful in almost all missions. Speed is DPS. The other options are just inferior.
Hi, why do you pick Exotic Particle Generator if this is for a beam build? Does it buff something in the build? If it does could you please tell me what it buffs?
Exotic Particle Generator buffs exotic abilities, i.e. Anti-Time Entanglement Singularity.
You could also use the Fragment of AI Tech trait and put those 2 skillpoints into Control Expertise.
Ah ok thank you. Would it be bad to put the points out of exotic and into resistance? as I die quick.
Also for Antiproton beam weapons what would you suggest now as the Ba’ul beams got big nerf. Would a mix of Herald and Delphic work well for both buffs or should I only use one type?
The one point in Hull Plating should be enough, there is a diminishing return for the other ones. Use the Tilly Shield and Warpcore to get decent healing, if you really need more healing, use the Energy Refrequencer reputation trait. Or Agent Nerul if you own the Delta Operations Pack.
I still like Ba’ul AP weapons, they have a nice AoE. It’s also the preferred weapon type for tanks. Both Herald and Delphic have a proc that has a chance to trigger once per weapon cycle. For beam arrays that’s a 2.5% chance every 5 seconds. Even with buffs for haste, you won’t see too many procs in a TFO.
I do like seeing various builds for various energy types. Could you also post the text-mode form of the builds below the images, or link the icon stamps in the build photos to the STO wiki page for the item/weapon? Some of the icons are items I’ve never possessed or used so I am not sure what items they are based on the icon visual.
Great series BTW, easily part of my personal shipbuilding bible now.
We already have a list for all the useful weapons for the different damage types. As for the consoles, this page https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Universal_Console has a nice overview at the bottom.
We will think about how we can implement your suggestion. For some ships, updates to T6-X are still pending, so maybe we’ll do that in that context.
Text/Links for equipment would really be useful, and looking forward to the T6-X updates.. such a useful resource, lost track of the number of times I’ve referred to this or pointed fleet mates here, thanks!
Hi there.
I’m use this guide as a framework for my Romulan Tac Captain.
I just want to hear your fellows opinion on two ships:
I currently fly the “Faeth Intel Warbird” (T6-X) but I recently got the “Daeinos Warbird Destroyer” (currently T5-U) .. it looks pretty cool too at a first glance and I wonder if I should upgrade it and change to this one… so yeah.. happy to hear from you
If you own the Daeinos Warbird Destroyer you’re a lifetimer. This means you can get the Dinaes Warbird Destroyer for free. And that’s a T6 ship. It’s an escort type ship with 4/3/1 weapon mounts and a LtC Command/Engineering station. Sure, you can use it as a beam boat, probably for beam overload, but it lacks the slot for the 5th dual beam bank. I’d rather use it for torps or cannons, but the ship itself is just mediocre. The Faeth has a better weapon loadout but it’s also not really useful as a beamboat. The enhanced battlecloak and the 5/2/1 layout make it the better choice nonetheless.
Ok.. then I’ll stick to the one I have (for now^^)
Thank you darling ;*
stay save and healhy
Is the Beam Overload Example a “rainbow boat”?
I’m having difficulty figuring out what weapons you have equipped in the image as they appear to be different colors.
I’d guess Marcus took what was available.
Advanced Piezo Beam Array, Terran Task Force Beam Array, Herald DBB, Disruptor or Phaser Wide Angle Dual Heavy BB, Spiral Wave DBB, Delphic Omni, Altamid (Lobi) Omni, Kinetic Cutting Beam.
Not sure why he did not pick the Trilithium Omni and Console instead of Delphic and Borg console.
Thanks. That helps a lot. I guess the Borg console is for the two-piece set with the Kinetic Cutting Beam… -500% Weapon Power Cost for 3 sec. But I’d probably rather have the Trilithium console 2-pc haste bonus as you mentioned.
I’m curious about the second-to-last Tactical console. The icon looks like “Temporal Trajectory Shifter” but that doesn’t seem like that great of a console. The cooldown on the clicky is 2 minutes.
Also, any idea what the first Engineering console might be? I’m stumped.
Eng: Miradorn Sensor Bafflers, an extremely powerful console and one of the reasons why the Husnock is such a great platform.
Temporal Trajectory Shifter gives you +50% Weapon firing haste. Beam Overload benefits a lot from haste, so this clicky is quite useful when you need an additional punch against bosses.
Thanks again. Lots of good info here that I didn’t know. It might be useful to add a paragraph to this page that talks specifically about Beam Overload builds and the rationale behind ship/weapon/console choices related to it.
What do you think about the new Federation Phaser Beam Array 32c?
They look quite nice. As for the weapon itself, always remember that this 2.5% chance is calculated once per weapon firing cycle. Which is 5s for beam arrays (haste buffs not included). So even with 6 weapons you will just see a few procs in a tfo. This is why weapons with “always-on” passives are so much better.
re: Elite Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Core [AMP] [ECap] [Eff] [SSS] [W->A] (Fleet Spire – Research Tier 3)
The one with W->E plays better if you are doing an Aux2Bat build as the bonus does not get sucked into your A2B cycle and can help trigger the AMP.
Coming back to STO after such a long time, these builds really help me learn what’s changed and how to get back into the game. But here’s a question, are these meant to be a guideline for advanced, or elite playthrough? My reason for asking is because I was thinking of doing a Borg themed set so there are, obviously some consoles/abilities I’d much like to use if possible, so I want to tweak a beam overload build. But I have to make sure that finagling will at least let me into the moderate acceptable range of dps during advanced at the very least.
These sample builds are for advanced and elite difficulties. Solo and random groups. There are always some items you can exchange for cheaper or thematically matching stuff.
Can I put dual beam banks on any ship or does it have to be on specific ships
all ships can use dual beams. However, ships with low turn rates might not be very effective due to the narrower firing arc.
I saw some ask about She’s a Predator on Reddit the other day. Is it worth slotting on a beam build?
It’s a good trait, but the uptime could be better. In combination with battle cloak it’s definitely usefull.
Been having trouble trying to figure out everything you have slotted in the pictures. is there anyway you can put it in a planner and add the links. would save hours of time from copying and pasting into sto wiki to try and find out what you have slotted.
You may want to give an update to this post, for plasma weapons, to add the viridian weapons as well, as they might be the best things for plasma
Hello, I think Mixed Armaments Synergy is broken. Even just after I activate it, it says “Currently enhancing: nothing” when I mouse over it on the “Stations” panel. I have tried testing it in combat, on a ship with 4 beams, 2 turrets, 1 torpedo, and 1 mine. I have tried testing it out of combat, just activating Mixed Armaments Synergy and then the mine. I have also tried testing it out of combat, activating Mixed Armaments Synergy, then the mine, then fire at will. No matter what I do, it says “Currently enhancing: nothing”.
MAS requires a weapon to fire in order to start the enhancement.
Has anyone calculated the relative merits of CrtX verus DMG or CrtD? CrtX is apparently like a CrtH mod plus half a CrtD mod. But I know CrtH mods aren’t the best.
There’s a ratio difference between Critical Hit Chance and Critical Severity when found as mods, compared to other sources. (generally 1:5 in other sources but 1:10 as mods). This means that it is more space-efficient to stack Severity (hence CrtD mods) on your weapons, colony deflector, etc…. and in other cases where you have to choose between them (such as Locators vs. Exploiters) pick Critical Hit.
Does the (over) proc lock out any firing modes? Itself?
Over is applied instantly but it does not overwrite active firing modes. I.e. if you still have 4 seconds of FAW the BO proc will activate after those 4 seconds and last for 2. In those 2 seconds, it will lock out other beam firing modes. If there’s another Over proc it will start another 6 seconds ticking down. Afaik [Over} can be overwritten by ETM when you activate torp spread.
Can anyone tell me what the console is in the 2nd Universal Console slot?
2nd universal console slot of the last image, The Good Shepard Fleet Gagarin
It’s a Vulnerability Exploiter, a fleet tactical console like the locators, but with CrtD instead of CrtH.
► https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Fleet_Tactical_Consoles?so=search
In the current times, where it is easy to get to 100% CrtH, it makes sense to replace the tactical consoles with the CrtD variants as long as you are still at ~100% CrtH. In some builds, you’re at that 100% CrtH even without a single locator. The best way to find out if you have reached this point or not is to do a parse, looking at your CrtH values on the main damage abilities (i.e. mostly the weapons).
I wanted to thank you for this guide. I don’t care that much for minmaxing usually, as I am fine as long as my ships are strong enough to handle content with ease, but lately, I just wanted to see how far I could go, so this is extremely helpful.
I was wondering, though, I have an Antiproton build for my main toon and atm I have one console slot left and wanted to use “Aligned Antiproton Shielding,” however once I insert the console, the bonus in Antiproton damage goes from 17,1% down to 2,1%.
Is that a known bug, can I only get so much extra damage percentage? Is this just a visual bug, but the actual buff works?
Any information would be appreciated. I did a search, but couldn’t find anything about it.
Oh, and I also wanted to ask, do you consider the Plasmonic Leech so nerfed that it doesn’t make sense to use it anymore?
So far I’ve been using it, because I still seemed to get a good amount of power from it.
Hey hey!
The stats of space items are not displayed correctly on the ground. If you look at the stats in system space (Sol System, for example), it should fit.
And yes, Plasmonic Leech has been nerfed so much that you can now find a better console for the slot for sure… no matter in what context
I have a question, obviously.
Why BO ==OR== BFW? Can’t you squeeze in both?
I forgot to mention, I don’t see Specialization addressed. Does this mean it has no impact on the build one way or the other?
It’s always Intel primary, Strategist secondary.
They share a cooldown and are suited for different types of beams.
there is a mistake here: “Unconventional Tactics (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – CD reduction for universal consoles, highly situational” – I think you mean “Unconventional Systems”!
Si, gracias.
Curious if you guys have tested the new crafted Engi consoles and what you think of them. Obvi not on an escort or something else with more Tac slots than Engi, but on a MW cruiser maybe?
if its an eng heavy ship they’re defnitly a good choice. combine them with bellum tac (i guess that was the name) consoles
If I’m going all beams do I need the projectile weapon training? Ba’ul build
usualy not. but sometimes you change builds and putting a few points in there allows that without a respec
Ok thanks