Hello everyone,
we had a lot of fun recently with Arena of Sompek, and here is the video from this action.
The builds used could be found >here<.
Read MoreGreetings, Admirals!
This series is a complete walkthrough of every major system in Star Trek Online. Reputation System, Duty Officer System, Admiralty System, Research and Development, Fleets, Upgrading and Re-Engineering etc. Every player, new and veteran, will find this series a valuable source of information, tips and tricks. You may even learn something new!
We have done the two new elite queues of Star Trek Online on the Tribble preview server with two men.
The new missions “Gravity Kills” and “Tzenkethi front” will be released with the Reckoning Expansion together with the 10th reputation system.
This video guide should show you, how the new missions work.
2 Men Gravity Kills Elite Guide:
2 Men Tzenkethi Front Elite Guide:
Have fun while watching!
Your DPS-League Admin Team
Read MoreHi guys o/
I’m glad to show you this new series about ground queues brought to you by CSI, Set Sail 4 Fail Armada, Subcomms and DPS channels in general. It will contain the most popular ones and will bring different builds, mostly tacticals, but i will try to involve more than i can.
Let’s start with BHE, DRSE, NTTE and BOTSE. Coming soon NSDTE and MINE with fleetmates. Also, Borg tours, less played queues (aka UIE or The Big Dig) and lot more, like a compilation of ground queues coming from popular players of DPS channels.
Stay tuned on this playlist and remember to check new videos during the next weeks!
Feel free to ask anything here or on the videos and we’ll try to do our best to help you.
Read MoreHello everyone guys!
Here is a random run from DPS channels where i got this good result on my new toon.
The ship is a Chronos Class Dreadnought on a new toon, still to finish (the build will be posted soon)
Have fun!
Read MoreWhere No One Has Gone Before – To infinity and beyond.
Read MoreLag doesn’t really translate well to a video as the viewer doesn’t know what is being pressed and expected, but the rubberbanding, the SNR and even the standstill should be pretty obvious…
Read MoreThe first stage of Hive Space Elite done by one player without B:FAW.
Only the first stage because the mission immediately fails on transition into stage two.
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