Hello everyone,
here are some informations about the new Dranuur Colony Defense Simulation. You could start the simulation (Security Officer, next to the spawnpoint) with a T1 fleet or higher. You need 3 provisions to start the simulation. This simulation is a great way to earn provisions for each tier to upgrade the Colony Holding.
Teams (and yes, team up per generator to get teamwide buffs like rally cry, tactical proficiency and so on):
1x Eng per Team (REQUIRED if you want it easy going, check the build at the end of the post)
2-3x Tac per Team
1-2x Sci per Team
Our prefered Team setting is mentioned at the end of the post.
The simulation:
*attention* There is only a maximum of 20 people allowed to be on the map. Otherwise the simulation will stop with the next break point. *attention*
You have to defend 4 Shield Generators on the map. The positions are as followed:
There are a maximum of 30 Waves in this simulation. Defend the Generators. The engineer of the team should place a Medical Generator (from R&D) and the Photonic Barrier Generator (Iconian Reputation) next to the Shield Generator and keep them running all the time. A covershield could protect one side of the generator too. Every few waves there will spawn an enemy mortar a bit outside of the normal spawning area from enemies . One person should engage that Mortar directly. In addiditon, kill the most dangerous enemies first, the ones with heavy aoe attacks. For Voth as example, kill the Furiadons first, continue with Exosuits. Crowd control/knock downs are extremly helpful for this too (examples: every tac should use Graviton Spike (aoe knockdown), 2x Gravitational Junction per Generator helps a lot too and will make it pretty easy (aoe knockdown with high range), 1x Paradox Bomb per Generator to draw them closer together). Knocked/stunned enemies are not able to use their abilities or shoot at something. All tacticals/science should stay at some range to the generator and all of them should activate Threatening Posture III. This could help to avoid mortar fire against the Shield Generator.
As a special stage you have the Orbital Bombardement every 10 rounds. 1-2 persons from Generator 1 or 3 have to go to the roof/3rd stage of the colony and kill the strike team there.
Every 5 rounds there is the possibility to end the simulation.
Reminder: everyone should use Aim all the time!!
Its possible to get 2100 of EACH provision per person for beating wave 30 with all 4 Shield Generators alive.
Simulation of Choice if you want to skip some dangerous enemies:
Simulation J (T4 Colony World required, no Voth, Herald, Tholians) > Simulation G (T3 Colony World required, no Voth, no Tholians)
Useful Kit Modules:
- Medical Generator (from R&D, highly required once per generator, REQUIRED!! | aoe heal)
- Photonic Barrier Generator (from Iconian Reputation, REQUIRED!! | aoe temp hp buff)
- Photone Grenade Launcher (Exchange) or Neutronic Mortar (from Delta Reputation| aoe dmg)
- Echo Papa Drone (Exchange/Lockbox | singletarget & aoe dmg)
- Crystal Prism (Event Reward)
- Explosive Drone (Exchange/Lockbox | single target & aoe dmg)
- Plasma Flamethrower turret (from Embassy | singletarget & close range aoe dmg)
- Seeker Drone (R&D | single target dmg)
- Chroniton Mines (R&D | aoe dmg, try remember the positions from enemie spawns and use them there)
- Sabotage (Exchange/Loxkbox | weapon disable & dmg vs non living targets like mortars)
- Motivation (Exchange/Lockbox | team dmg buff & heal)
- Rally Cry (R&D | team dmg buff & heal)
- Ambush (R&D | damage buff)
- Graviton Spike (Summer event |aoe dmg & crowd control)
- Echo Papa Drone (Exchange/Lockbox | singletarget & aoe dmg)
- Crystal Prism (Event Reward)
- Paradox Bomb (Temporal Specialization Store | crowd control & aoe dmg)
- Gravitational Juncture (Exchange/Lockbox | crowd control)
- Return Fire (Command Officer Specialization Store | team dmg buff & cd reduction)
- Trajectory Bending (Exchange/Lockbox | dmg buff)
- Motion Accelerator (R&D, to get faster to the Spawn at the Top every 10 waves | runspeed buff)
- Overwatch (R&D | aoe resistance buff and debuff proc)
- Paradox Bomb (Temporal Specialization Store | crowd control & aoe dmg)
- Gravitational Juncture (Exchange/Lockbox | crowd control)
- Cold Fusion Flash (Exchange/Lockbox | aoe dmg)
- Crystal Prism (Event Reward)
- Exothermic or Endothermic Induction Field (R&D or Summer Event | aoe dmg)
- Seimsmic Agitation Field (Summer Event | aoe dmg and crowd control)
- Chronomatic Diffusion Field (Temporal Reputation | aoe dmg)
- Medical Tricorder (R&D | Singel target heal, could only applied to the shield gen when there are enemies around it)
Useful devices:
- Large Kit Overbooster (R&D | Kit performance buff)
- Large Hypo
- Nukara Reinforcements – Elite Reprogrammed Drones (Nukara Reputation, useable out of inventory | additional pets, damage, crowd control)
- Gambling Device (Lobi | crth&crtd buff, 1h duration)
- Powerboard (Summer event, in case you need to switch position fast)
- Frequency Remodulator (Replicator | against borg)
- Shard of Possibilities (featured epsiode replay, crowd control)
Example Team:
This is how our prefered Team looks like. For Traits and gear, check our Example Builds.
- Engineer (Medical Generator, Photonic Barrier Generator, Explosive Drone or Crystal Prism, Photon Grenade Launcher, Echo Papa Drone or Chroniton Mines | Iconian 3 piece | Boolean)
- Science (Paradox Bomb, Gravitational Juncture, Cold Fusion Flash, Seismic Agitation Field, Crystal Prism | Advanced Fleet Armor with Crtd+Nakuhl 2piece | Herald Beam Projector )
- Tactical 1 (Rally Cry, Return Fire, Crystal Prism, Echo Papa Drone, Gravitational Juncture | Iconian 3 piece | Herald Beam Projector )
- Tactical 2 (Rally Cry, Return Fire, Crystal Prism, Echo Papa Drone, Motivation | Omega 3 piece | Herald Beam Projector)
- Tactical 3 (Rally Cry, Return Fire, Crystal Prism, Echo Papa Drone, Trajectory Bending or Ambush | Advanced Fleet Armor with Crtd+Nakuhl 2piece or Omega 3 piece | Herald Beam Projector or Boolean Cannon)
Thanks for reading our guide. We hope its helpful to beat the simulation.
In case there are any questions, feel free to ask us here or ingame!
Any particular reason why the Iconian armor and weapon are being used for the Engineer? Is it just for the HP and root/stun resistance at low health?
i found some more hp useful for higher waves, you just dont get oneshootet that easily
So the risa board works on the water
Why does the medical generatir need fo come from the R&D store? Wouldn’t the Undine one work?
Can the teams be cross faction?
no, must be the same faction as the fleet that owns the map in order to be on the map.
Electromagnetic field and Sompek lighting is a good combo for aoe if the eniemies will get close together.
Sompek has a slow cooldown so too skow for Colony
Hover board can be used to slide over from 4 to 3 , over the narrow part of the land strip.
How do you repair the generators?
Look in feli’s guide, those two do the trick perfectly.:)
• Medical Generator (from R&D, highly required once per generator, REQUIRED!! | aoe heal)
• Photonic Barrier Generator (from Iconian Reputation, REQUIRED!! | aoe temp hp buff)
So far my fleet mates and I had no trouble to lead peeps to level 25 of the simulation by dispatching one of our engineers with those modules to every generator. Only level 30 is a bit tough for casual groups. For an elite premade (or at least 3-4 good players per team) the whole thing does not pose an obstacle.
All generator locations seem to have 3 random spawn positions of mortars. In the runs I did so far they posed the greatest threat so hunting them done should be high on the priority list.
The security officer seems to indicate the generaters can be fixed when they light up, when enemies are near. Do you know how this is done?
yes with normal heal abilities like medical generator from an eng.
Gotcha, I guess its immune in between. Does quick fix also work? I have putting a support drone on the generator.
havent tried that, bc the medical generator will heal it for 100 or more per second.
I know I’m a few years too late, but quick fix does not work.
I will have to try medical tricorder has well.
Thanks for posting this up. Very good information and I appreciate your time, effort and willingness to share it.
always a pleasure
I got the medical generator ffrom the r&d fleet store. I orginaly thought it needed to be crafted. The stats for healing and damage resistance are slightly better than the 8472 nanite medical generator. I’ve been eager to use my Nomad drone too
As far as i know Photonic Barrier Generator will add a shield to the generator and temp hp to everthing alse.
Its a temp hp buff to the generator too, it just look like shields
be warned using the echo papa drone, its bugged since the start and it disabled your ability to run.
and lets be frank, the only one that needs a specialized build for this are engineers. everyone else can just run standard, although i recommend a sci bring at least 1 healing ability for the shield gen eg, vascular regen or medical tricorder.
the engineers can also use a force field dome which adds a nice resistance buff and use a quatermaster doff to add a resistance buff for cover shield.
i also recommend engineers carry the kit module “sabotage”, its cheap to buy and if you get a voth spawn at wave 25, you can equip it which has an aoe weapon disable. most strong teams can just power through them but many will struggle at the final wave for voth.
all in all the colony invasion is super easy, the only slightly difficult waves are the final 2. so ensure team buffs like strike team, security beam down etc. are off cooldown for the final wave.
but i like the echo papa drone (since you dont need to run beside 1 per team (hunt the mortar) and 1-2 additional on the map to hunt for the orbital strike) because its there for 60 seconds and doing dmg
but yes, sabotage could be pretty great
“but i like the echo papa drone” and i like bacon and deep fried chicken. but i know when its bad for my health :p
I cant help myself
“Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, greetings! Welcome to Minos, the Arsenal of Freedom.
If you need a little something “special,” be it for one target, or multiple targets, we got it, you’ll see it, here on Minos, where we live by the motto, “Peace through superior firepower.”
To be totally armed is to be totally secure!
Once unleashed, the unit is invincible. The perfect killing system. “
Protomatter Drone also heals the generator. Not sure if really needed if both medical and photonic are running but it works (can’t stick it to the generator though, so you must stay close to it).
Hammer and Anvil is also a nice as it’s a rather large team wide buff.
yea its defnitly a possibility. but its way weaker than the med gen (100 hps med gen vs 38 hps protomatter drone) so i would always prefere the med gen.
I would Think quickfix would be more effective than medical tricorder. Sometimes you need to give a big boost because your buff generators broke.
With a good build (including lots of KPerf and the Lukari 2 pc), medical tricorder can be buffed up to having a 1200-1400 HP value with a cooldown of around 3.5 seconds. And that is not including temporary buffs (like Savior trait).
Medical tricorder worke. 4 second cool, 698 hitpoints,
+50 damage resistance rating. Required almost constant attention. Made it to level 25. Between me and the Engineer we kept our Generator near 100%
Combo Paradox Bomb and Neutronic Grenade is crazy, tested and it works
Quick fix has better stats for healing and +150 dmg restance. Problem though is you would have to drop simething like mines or the echo pappa or other aoe heals unless there two engineers.
Fleet skill Boost Advanced training tokens are also a good thing to have as they boost each type.
I think the Vaadwaur Shield Drone could help too.
does the quantum mortar doff also work on other mortars?
which ones are the generators 1 and 3? the inner 2 i guess.
the mortar doff works with quantum mortar, neutronic mortar and photonic grenade launcher.
and yes, 1 and 3 are the ones next to the main building. but check the map screenshot in the post
oh there are numbers, im blind lol, thx
you’re welcome
I got a chance to use quickfix and only lost Gen at Wave 30.
the nomad drone seems to heal the genny. might want to add it to the list of suggested gear.
nomad heals with quick fix correct? could be decent, just not sure if its better than the medical gen or not. but could be defnitly an addition if really needed.
but in general i would prefere to use more other turrets and stuff like that for a second eng (or one of them using photonic and the other the medical one) and than mortar (just awesome), echo papa, explosive drone and maybe the flamethrower turret or a seeker drone as 5th
i’m pretty sure the nomad’s QF doesn’t work on SG. but i’ll test again on another sim.
Just confirmed this today. nomad drone does not heal the SG. had clr on and kept on making sure the target it supports is the sg. never healed it
than the nomad is pretty much useless
Yeah I know Nomadis we cannot very aggressive with the heals. I have used them on missions for fun but he’s pretty much useless.
Yeah, you can’t stack med gens to quickfix or Nomad seems to be an alternative esp if you have two engineers.
I am Nomad. I am perfect. That which is not perfect must be sterilized.
On ground we also have https://sto.gamepedia.com/Ability:_Threatening_Posture
Turning it to ON and keeping some distance from the generator and the the engineer’s fortifications could direct some pressure away from the mission task as well. No idea how reliable it works for the critters but I think I saw it grabbing some enemy mortar fire at least.
Yea thats some kind of important ^^
Can we add some notes regarding multiple ENG in team? there are some sims on certain times of day that there are more ENG online. would like to add the following:
1. Meg gens don’t stack (even if 1 is normal med gen and the other is using the nanite med gen)
2. Multiple med gen “may” be able to add to heals sg gets, but its also adds more targets for enemy aoes and end up hitting other gens summoned around the sg.
3. Multiple photonic barrier gens doesnt stack. even if one claims that “its there so that if the other one gets destroyed, there is another for back up.” its still adds more targets for the enemy to aoe on and kill the other gens that are there too.
Lastly, i’d like to add the Force Field Dome paired with the Doff Hogal Gavne. best casted on top of the SG and during its up time it gives the SG more dmg resistance and pushes away enemies w/in 10m of the field (50% chance per sec)
I forgot to add. the eng in same team with all carrying the 2 gens “required” the less total team dps output becomes and results in sg getting swarmed. Pls, when teaming with multiple eng, assign which one is the healer and the rest use dmg kits
I would use 1 gen per eng (so one eng with photonic barrier, the other one with medical generator) in this case and add chroniton mines or a seeker drone or a plasma flamethrower turret for both of the engs to increase their dps
I agree. I have also dropped a med gen for Quick Fix when there are two engineers.
which sci modules work for heals?
Medical Tricorder should be the best for that.
Vascular Generator works almost as well as quick fix. Use it aggressively in SG and other colony machines.
Medical Tricorder, Vascular Regen and Triage all work. However Triage is too slow and weak to really be effective.
The MW Nanite Canister kit also works, but I have not tested effectiveness. Have seen a few tacs that use it.
Gibt’s das auch auf Deutsch?
Da wir in der Regel mit dem englischen Client spielen, eher nicht.
nur wenn du flocki davon überzeugst es zu übersetzen ^^
This is nice too.
but way better for the arena of sompek than the simulation, because it doesnt work for the gen itself.
Yeah that was how I was using it.
. I have noticed you can tagret a team mate with it but I gueess it wont target friendly npcs.
its a teamwide buff for all players (and maybe pets too).
but for discussions about the arena of sompek, we have a post for the event too
Boolean cannon is a beast
. I got one hit at 5795 points testing it out in colony.
yes but low firerate and often quite a lot of overkill ^^
depend a bit on the buffs, but you could do more than 5.8k ^^
I am using Deadly Intentions kit module too to shorten firing cycles. The overkill makes up for the longer fire cycle
A lot of people link this page to new people who are looking to run sims. Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE include healing kits in the Science list? Half of the sims I’ve run with the Simulation or FedSim channels have needed scis to heal some gens, but a lot of scis don’t have proper healing kits.
Also, please include an explanation of how and when shield generators can be healed. Despite what the NPC says, it isn’t obvious that anyone with a healing skill can heal the generators, or that they can only be healed when there are enemies around. From what the NPC had said, I had mistakenly assumed that the shield generators healed themselves at first. Then when I saw that my healing didn’t work, I assumed that only engis could heal the gens because they are constructs, when it was actually because there was no enemy around.
medical tricorder and when to use it added to the list
Alternate suggestion… healing science build:
– Medical Tricorder
– Vascular Regenerator
– don’t use Triage (too slow/ineffective)
(other 3 kits can be for damage from above list; I use Paradox Bomb, Exothermic and Cold Fusion)
Kit Frame – prefer KCD and/or KPerf mods
Gear: Lukari 2 pc (for set bonus +25% outgoing healing)
Personal Traits: Creative, Expedient Care, Field Technician, Savior, Serenity, Technophile
(all of these offer kit readiness or performance boosters or are healing buffs)
Specs: Temporal (for kit performance passive) and Miracle Worker (for healing crit chance)
Also to note: Miracle Worker kit Throw Nanite Canister will also heal the generator.
Some updated knowledge:
– The Gamma active rep trait “One Little Ship” is quite useful, especially for clearing mortars and those enemies who get lodged inside the landscape. Basically an overpowered drone.
– Engineers can push the shield generators using Cover Shield (faster if you combo with Chroniton Jolt). If you push the generator near the edge of or even outside the circle on the minimap, enemies will despawn without being killed. If you go far enough, the status bar will stay blue and you don’t have to fight anything (except the mortars).
– Pushing all four generators into stay-blue situations does NOT make the sim run faster.
What do mean “push” the generator? the shield generator only covers it not move it unless you use mines or as you said chroniton jolt?
push the colony shield generator (not an engineer fabricated shield generator). If an engineer faces the SG at a distance of around 0.4 m (varies with engineer body settings) and then spawns Cover Shield, the Cover Shield will shove the SG away from the engineer.
westmetals..could you please send me a tell/PM/mail to @2007-2007 in holodeck? I need some extra help with this and hope to connect with you soon. Thanks!
Sorry it took so long to see your note.
Essentially… as Cover Shield spawns, it “pops” away from the engineer… if it collides with the central post of the generator in that process, it can shove the generator by about a third of a meter. If you do this repeatedly you can move the generator a quite significant distance. After around 100-120 pushes it has a serious impact on the simulation.
That many pushes normally takes two hours, however, with the Overcharging trait and/or Chroniton Jolt, you can reduce the cooldown on Cover Shield and speed that up.
for instance if you shove generator 1 (the one closest to your left from beamin point) into the waterfall pond, after it’s about half to two-thirds of the way across the pond, you’ll see what I mean.
1xPhotonic barrier generator, 1x medical generator problem solved
actually u dont even need the med gen…photonic is enough
I know I’m late to this thread, but is there a good way to keep each Shield Gen’s Colony Mortar, Colony Turret and Colony Shield Generator alive? Thanks.