Hello everyone,
the winners of the DPS 30/30-Challenge have been determined in a livestream.
Here is the recording of that:
Here is a list of all winners and what they have won:
1)[Special Requisition Pack – Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought [T6]]
2) [Special Requisition Choice Pack – Elachi Sheshar Dreadnought Cruiser]
3) [Genetic Resequencer – Space Trait: Inspirational Leader]
4) [Special Requisition Pack – Hazari Destroyer [T6]]
5) [Special Requisition Pack – Vaadwaur Astika Heavy Battlecruiser [T6]]
6) [Special Requisition Pack – Tholian Recluse Carrier]
7) [Genetic Resequencer – Space Trait: Fluidic Coccoon]
8) [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]
9) [Zemok Jenro] (FED)
10) [Genetic Resequencer – Space Trait: Intense Focus]
11) [Graga Mal] (FED)
12) [Starship Trait: Attack Pattern Delta Prime]
13) 10x [Master Key]
14) 10x [Research & Development Pack]
15) (very rare) Energy Weapons Officer – [Space] Chance for stacking Crit Chance buff on firing Energy Weapons (FED)
16) [Genetic Resequencer – Space Trait: Helmsman]
17) 100x [Superior Beam Weapons Tech Upgrade]
18) [Genetic Resequencer – Space Trait: Anchored]
19) [Genetic Resequencer – Space Trait: Positive Feedback Loop]
20) [Genetic Resequencer – Ground Trait: Vicious]
Congratulations to all winners. And thanks to all people who have participated.
Thank You very much Holo and everyone who was also involved!
Never expected to win something… just wanted to take the challenge for finaly beating the 30k, what i haven’t try for a to long time ^^
So thank you very much! It was fun to do the chalenge! And special thanks to Miwi and Luther for flying with me
Hey just want to said you,many thanks To the dps league team’s for this Event !
Long life to the DPS league ..
-Eclipse (French flee)-