Hello everyone!
today you all have the chance to win one faction bundle (fed or kdf or rom) for Playstation 4.
You could see whats in there here! (For german version of the list click here.)
We thank @eragon1392 to give us the chance for this giveaway.
To participate you only need to write your @handle down here! If your name is John@Doe, your @handle would be @Doe.
You have time till 9/30/2016 10pm UTC to participate.
The winner draw will be on 10/1/2016 6 pm UTC.
Good luck everyone!
Not allowed to participate are members of the DPS-League Adminteam.
No cash disbursement is possible, recourse to the courts is not permitted.
The Winner could be found here.
Handle: @Irokageoni_CC
Apologies for the double comment. I wasn’t sure if my comment went through the first time and refreshed the page a couple of times.
Dont worry, the posts are not showed directly 🙂
@ZOREhj is my handle
Good Lucky all
Handle: @Aussie_Edge
Handle: @xShadowMan_
Handle: @Dragunout1981
good luck guys
Dejaykoe@JMW58 is this what you guys want for the handle. But my name is @Wilson
your ingame @handle, so i guess the @JMW58 should be the correct one 🙂
Handle on PS: @d4rky4ps
PS4 Handle @Chtullu
PS4 handle @Daglow187
PS4: @Asklo_Burwani
PS4 handle is @Blaster_Kid80
PS4-Handle: @sebs1806
PS4-Handle: @RamboRene
ps4-handle: @SonOfPerdition
ps4-handle: @macterror81
PS4-Handle: @Viborian
The time to participate is over!
We will announce the winner tomorrow!