Screenshot Contest Risian Corvette

Hello everyone!

We are proud to host our next Screenshot Contest! This time, it features the free ship from this years summer event .

The theme for this contest:

Risian Corvette

Any Version of the Risian Corvette (T5/T6/Pilot T6) has to be on the screenshot. The rest is up to you!


Conditions of participation:

  • To participate you need to send in the screenshot link here or in the STO-Forum and we need your @handle. If your character is called John@Doe, add @Doe to the comment with your entry here or at the forum.
  • Only one screenshot per person is allowed.
  • The use of photoshop or other similar programs to enhance the picture is allowed and highly appreciated.
  • Not allowed are 3d rendering programms, it still has to be a ingame screenshot!

Deadline to participate and send in a screenshot is 14th of August 2019 6pm UTC.

The STO-League Admin Team will determine the winner after the deadline.


  • The screenshot from the winner will be used for the shipbuild post at
    In addition, the winner will get 10 Masterkeys (PC Version of Star Trek Online)
  • The second place will get 5 Masterkeys (PC Version of Star Trek Online)
  • Between all participant 3×1 stack of Lohlunats. There will be a draw at the end of the event.

The winner will get the Masterkeys per in-game mail short after the decision is made.


  • The members of the DPS-League Adminteam are not allowed to participate.
  • No cash disbursement is possible, recourse to the courts is not permitted.
  • With the entry you allow us to use the screenshot for the website

Your sto-league Admin Team

To take a good screenshot use the /screenshot_jpg command.
You could although try to increase the resolution by using /renderscale 2 or higher. The normal is /renderscale 1. But be careful, this is only for better computers and could slow down your game drastically.

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