Hello communinty,
with Star Trek Online’s Season 11.5 the skillrevamp went live!
We’ve here suggestions for the new skilltree.
At first a suggestion for a character on romulan side:
(>>on STO-Academy’s Skillplanner<<)
And here is a suggestion for a character on federation or kdf side:
(>>on STO-Academy’s Skillplanner<<)
By using one of these skilltrees you will get some passive unlocks. You can chose them in the progression bar at the bottom of skilltree.
You’ll get two engineering unlocks, choose “Battery Expertise” and “Maximun Hull Capacity”.You’ll get one science unlock, you can choose there what you want more “Sector Space Travel Speed” or “Transwarp Cooldown Reductions”.
You’ll get all four tactical unlocks, you should choose “Hangar Weaponry”, “Projectile Critical Chance”, “Energy Critical Chance” and “Accuracy”.
Furthermore the tactical ultimate ability “Focused Frenzy” will be unlocked and all three enhancements of it. Make sure to choose them. “Focused Frenzy” is a really strong ability. In ISA it can be used on the transformers, the gateway and the tactical cube. A team should coordinate the usage of it.
Here is a suggestion for your ground skilltree:
Some of them are only allowing you to craft training manuals others will improve the character’s performance on ground.
Feel free to decide which training manuals you want to be able to craft. From the unlocks which are improving the performance the following ones should be choosen:
“Device Expertise”, “Improved Aim”, if you play melee choose “Fatal Fists”, if you don’t play melee you can decide if you want “Furious Footwork” instead of it, “Improved Flank Damage” and “Offensive Mastery”.
Take a look at this little breakdown about the different skillpoints and how to customize it.
If there are questions left let us know!
Your DPS-League Admin Team
Note: This might be a subject to change!
The skill planner links above are leading me to the same build no matter if I click the Romulan link or the one under the proposed Fed/KDF build. Just thought you should know this
thx for letting us know, it should be fixed
The above two suggested skill tree builds are the same. look at the pictures above.
there is a small difference between both skilltrees: The romulan skilltree does not have a point in shield restoration, the other one has.
Best regards
do you have any skill tree suggestions for hybrids or torpedo boats?
Best regards
the skill trees for a torp boat are quite equal, just swap points from energy weapon training (or better defense maneuvering) to projectile weapon training.
hybrid builds in general arent that good, bc focused frenzy is just ridiculous strong for every build, since you get a maximum of +40% flat all dmg (that include torps, sci abilities etc) and no top the cd reduction for BO abilities. another thing is, that most of the tac skills are just better than the sci/eng ones.
In general you could move around some points (like the ones from bonus power as example) and put them into more defensive stuff.
If you want to talk a bit more about a skilltree you wanna use yourself just ask one of us ingame.
I opted to put points in torps on my romulan instead of pets.
Hi whickey,
the points in pets are just awesome, because they dont buff only your pets (like fleet support, hangar pets etc) they buff all your TEAMMATES too. These 3 points are just ridiculous strong when you’re in a team enviroment.
to get points for torpedos it would be way better to take points out of maneuvering (the +% defense thing) or the targeting tac skill (the +%accuracy thing). so as example i would take 2 points out of the defense skill and 1 point out of accuracy if you want 3 points in torpedos.
I did not know it helps team mates. I plan to revamp. This would also be important for team pvp.
My apologies.I didn’t notice that point. lol. sorry. What about spending points in part gens? Would that be worth it? I sometimes run torps with my Rom tac.
Yes you could spend points into torps too. the best way to do it is to take them from defensive maneuvering and reduce that by 2 points and put these 2 points into improved projectile weapons.
And points in part gen are good too, 2 points a perfectly viable if you’re using skills like feedback pulse which are affected by that skill.
I used all my ground points in weapons and kits since Commando specialization gives me shield and armor protection
The Armor Skill also increases the additional Bonuses on Armor like CrtD, CrtH or Energy Damage, which is why we suggest skilling that.
I did not think about that. Which armor would this apply to?
All that give CrtH and CrtD or Ene. Like
Solanae Sentinel Environmental Suit
Herald Tactical Combat Armor
Advanced Fleet w/ CrtD
I would like to see a dps build for EPS Corruption/Egineering build
The Problem is, that there isnt really a DPS Build with full Engineering. DPS wise you would sacrifice a lot of good skills to gain close to nothing from the eng part of the skilltree. mostly all good skills are covered right now from the tac focused skill tree.
How effective would these builds be for PVP? If you were to respec for PVP,what would you change?
Ive did an eng build with one toon for fun. I have about 33% energy resistance without eng consoles and higher power levels. I finf I can fill my eng consoles up with universal consoles. Ive got 24K in ISA but could probbaly hit 30k.
I See there are no build for the Engineering or other wise Tank build.
The skilltree is optimized for dps purposes, but especially in team enviroments with other people using this skilltree and the fleet research lab buff the build is pretty tanky
we might add a sci build in the future, but right now, a full specced eng tree is pretty much the weakest you could fly atm.
has anyone thought of a make a Tactical Cruiser Build or would the tactical work on a Cruiser?
The tactical skilltree works pretty well on a cruiser.
arent Canons projectile weapons ?
No, cannons are energy weapons. Projectile weapons are torpedos and mines.
@Felisean is this also advisable whilst levelling a toon? Thanks
i’m used that the last time i leveld toons, first is to put points into energy weapon dmg, if you wanna continue to use a torpedo put one point there too (remove 1 point from defense) and than go on
sometimes the skilltree varies a litte little bit depending on what you’re planing on doing since some points are good to move around (especially the energy points in eng at the end)
Hello! Not sure if this is the right place to ask. My apologies if so. I am returning to the game after nearly 3 years off. Everything is vastly different. I am unsure how to spec and was wondering if this build is standard for most ships. I’m a tactical captain preferring cruisers (I have a,fleet assault cruiser, oddessey cruiser, and a fleet avenger, all of which will be upgraded at 60 to the t6 variants) last I played I was using romulan plasma beams, those still any good? Thanks so much for looking and helping me out!!
This featured build can be used in all kinds of ships. Personally I’d put 1 point into drain infection and a second one into partigen while dropping warp core efficiency and shield capacity. But this depends on the number if science skills you want to use.
Romulan disruptors are a bit outdated. The plasma proc is weak compared to the plasma explosions from the embassy consoles. The current meta favors (coalition) disruptors or a mix of disruptors and antiproton (delphic and herald). Grab the terran task force beam from terran reputation as soon as possible.
i have 26 points on sci skill tree, for the 50% crith, quite happy with it,
anyone else using it?
Sci ultimate is quite good for solo play and pug runs, esp. if your gear is not top of the line. Tac ultimate is superior in fast team runs becaus of focused frenzy. Also: With the right equipment it’s not too hard to get above 50% CrtH, at least as a tactical.
what is the right equipment to get 50% crith without sci ultimate?
BTW are you talking about 50% on standing still or in combat?
because in Combat i have much higher crith, not sure how much.
my gear is top of the line
i use 2 purple crith doffs, FBP ship trait,fleet consoles and tachyon converter
and assimilated console, could be i missed something that boost crith…
its the incombat value.
the sci ulti will set your crth to EXACTLY 50%. Exotic dmg abilities as example could have way more than that through the science rnd lvl 15 trait => you would debuff yourself basically with sci ulti.
Also have Rom Boffs with SRO
So if I wanted to use a similar but modified build with a Carrier, like the Obelisk, Atrox, Jupiter of Vo’Quv, how would I need to change it up to make it viable for PvE – don’t so much care about PvP. Carriers and pets as a concept appeal to me but apparently Engineering focused tanking is… not very good in this game?
Its equal for carrier too. Pets only add some dmg to yourself, the most is from your ship.
THe eng focused things arent as good as you might think, the resistance value you get from the skilltree is extremly low compared to other sources and you will run into the diminishing return pretty fast. so its better to go for more dmg, especially bc you wont get the aggro from the enemies if you dont do enough dmg
why do i debuff myself with that? the sci ulti has no effect on the crith of the rnd trait.
i have plus 50% crith on that too. When i use sci ulti i have temporary 50% for weaps too.
thats what i thougt, because the stats of the rnd trait dont change when i use sci ulti.
the sci ulti will set your crth to EXACTLY 50%. with the normal crth you have + the particle manipulator trait you will have more than 50% crth for exotic abilities. but since the sci ulti set your crth to exactly 50% you will loose everything over that value.
as a scientist Im looking for a build for the new Fleet Laeosa Research Vessel [T6].
or do u suggest to buy the normal Laeosa to unlock the trait and then buy the fleet Laeosa ?
Any advices are welcome (atm Ive 25 points spend to sci)
I want to go for exotic and entropic dmg also crowd control
ok, i shouldnt use sci ulti and exotic dmg abilitis at the same time then?
Most of my ships are tac and i use only FBP for Exotic dmg, or switch to tac ulti again?
well u can test it, check your crit chance by using skills (full skill rotation – without using sci ult – I would say vs enemies not in system) if your crit chance is below 50% u can use your sci ult if the crit chance is higher then 50% dont use your sci ult for sci skills
For focused frenzy, which has enhancers do you recommend?
For Focused Frenzy you want all the enhancements aka 27 points tactical.
I don’t think I phrased that correctly. For each point into focused frenzy, there are 3 options. I was going to just pick frenzied assault, but would you say the team frenzy is better? Mind you, I’m not in a fleet, but I do enjoy PvE.
You will get the ultimate with 24 points into tactical, with 25 points you could unlock the first (1 out of 3) upgrades, with 26 points the second one and 27 points the 3rd. i am using all 3 upgrades (27 points tac tree) because all 3 are awesome. if you want to pick only one i think i would go with the damage bonus (frenzied assault), but i would always recommend to get all 3
do you have a suggested tree for the morrigu/faeht vape pvp build with a tac rom? its empty on sto-academy. i did vaping on my fed tact in a jem strike ship and love it but i want to build my rom for pvp so i dont need to keep changing traits and specs.
sci ult?
tac ult?
no ult balanced?
I’m redirecting this question to one of our pvp experts.
Nice one cheers felisean! Pvp isnt quite dead on xb1 yet and i still create fleet pvp events when i can. Gone with sci ult for the time being to grind out rep and mission rewards needed for the build (that we have access to lol)
Hi Drax, presently a sci ulti is an option, we tend lately to use builds with none ulti at all though. Enjoy!
Do you happen to have a link to a sto academy with no ult? I did find one on reddit but wasnt sure if it was outdated or more optimized for pc
Just out of curiosity what Traits doe you give your Captains to help this skill tree out?
check out our trait suggestion or the traits we’re using in the shipbuilds themself
ok. just found this page and am trying to muddle my way through it. been nearly a year or so since I last played sto regularly
You could ask me (or one of the other admins) ingame too
If this is a noob question I’m sorry, I’m new to the game. Would these skill selections also work for an engineer focused on dps?
Short answer, yes. Another possibility would be to use a science ultimate skilltree. you could see them in some of our discount builds. Just check it there.
Just a general question, how important is it to select points for energy like the offensive and defensive subsystems or warp core efficiency and potential? Would it hurt the build to pull those points into advanced EPG and spec into shield capacity, shield healing or shield regeneration? Or science/engineering readiness?
I personally don’t use the offensive and defensive subsystem energy points anymore, just the last two for my warbirds.
As i’m running a personalized skilltree myself i think you could experiment a bit, on tribble for example. Options i’d consider speccing in are advanced EPG, perhaps drain infection… And i personally also use control amplification, but as i said you’d have to test for yourself what you really feel comfortable with.
Thanks for the reply, that makes sense to me. I have enough energy from Plasmonic and supremacy to achieve all 4 levels of AMP on my warp core but don’t find the additional energy helpful for much. I’ll tweak things and see what works. Cheers
I’ve tried the Tac ultimate that you generally recommend for your builds and it’s great for ISA; quite a bit of spike over the Sci ultimate but not as tanky nor as friend to pug runs. How do you tank in HSE if you’re running the Tac ultimate? Is there another skill tree or are the groups always strong premades? Thanks.
Nice to see that you get some neat results out of the tactical ultimate.
It is indeed less defensive than the science ultimate, you might need to search for some additional heals etc. for pug runs.
HSE is of course a bit different case as you got a far higher amount of damage incoming which, if you’d want to efficiently tank it, needs far more heals. Things such as the valdore (for warbirds) or the samsar consoles are a great help. I’d also recommend running RSP together with its dedicated doff to tank incoming spikes.
And yes, strong premade groups are also helpfull of course, giving you the possibilty to devide threat between players (you’d mostly still have enough incoming attacks for FBP). However, i don’t think that we really change anything in the skilltree jjst for HSE.
And with the new Console from the Fed Dreadnought, the Samsar console and rsp+vr doff like Jaquei mentionied you should have a decent amount of time of being tanky
Mostly its something like starting with rsp and at the end of using all of the consoles you have the next rsp rdy 
Btw you should always check the skilltree for the specific ship too, sometimes things change a little bit
Thanks very much for the replies gentlemen. I only started playing last July and started out with the tac ultimate which I found way too fragile. I run the Samsar console for HSE and run the Fed Dreadnought console for everything else with usually a couple hull heals. I’ll have to tweak skills and traits I suppose and try HSE again. Thanks very much for the advice! I am curious and to how you tank HSE and time the skill activations. Do you wait for Continuity to trigger before using the Samsar Console? Invincible trigger? Or use the Samsar before to tank out the worst of the damage so that RSP is close to being back up after Continuity triggers?
Basically we started with the isa left side buff up including fbp, tried to get a low gdf directly and yea tried to survive by using rsp and some other heals when below 50%. Especially the Eng Flagship console could increase your survivability massively since it gives Bonus Resistance which doesnt scale with the normal damage resistance so you could get over the 75% diminishingreturn there. Same with one of the Dyson Rep Traits.
Thank you again, definitely some food for thought. I’ll play around with my skilltree a bit more as I try to optimize it to my liking. How important is team frenzy for the tac ultimate? Would a 26 point ultimate be too selfish?
team frenzy makes it basically that awesome bc its not only for yourself, its for everyone a +40% flat dmg bonus and a +40% fire cycle haste buff
The most important for tac ulti builds is that everyone is using them to get the coordination protocols which help you to survive by increase the resistance, hp, shields and adding some dmg ^^
That makes sense, I’ll play around with the points in Science rather than go down to 26 points in tac. Thanks for the reply and consideration!
Congrats on the new DPS record by the way, that’s insane!
so close to 600 ^^ and thx
I am really new. Why science, engineer, or Tactical. What is the main proposes for each?
If you mean the profession, they have different captain abilities. For doing dmg, the Tactical Abilities are way better than the ones from sci and eng
Ty ya but what about when choosing ships I been choosing ships to Match profession. Does it matter or is everyone one just choosing escort shops? I have been trying to read up on these things but in the reading they are talking past the basic which I am not sure of.
The ship has nothing to do with the profession, and normaly a tac will do better in a sci ship than a sci etc dps wise
Pick the ship you want to fly or the best ship for whatever you wanna do
Is there a guide for which professions match better which which ships??
All professions can essentially use all ships. Tactical is currently the best in all ship types based on damage potential and this is likely to continue. Science captains might be relatively stronger in science ships as they have captain powers/traits that bolster science bridge officer abilities, for which science ships tend to have seating. Engineers might be relatively stronger on cruisers and other ships with eight weapon slots as they have powers/traits that can offset the power drain from the weapons. Realistically, just fly the type of ship you want to fly. If you’re going for max DPS, the ship you choose will probably be the same regardless of class.
If you’re not purely selecting based on space DPS, your ground experience might be something to consider when selecting a class. There’s a bit more separation between the professions there, with tactical captains generally being more focused on team buffs and some crowd control, science being focused on crowd control with some buffing/healing/debuffs and engineers focusing on things like mines, bombs, turrets, generators and drones. You might want to check out the ground builds in the guide section.
Ty I am not big on pvp. Is there enough pve to just play that way? Or does the game dry up for pve at some point?
Theres a lot of pve to do and especially dilithium is mainly gained through pve so yea, you will do a lot of pve stuff
PvP in sto rewards close to nothing atm so its a pure “fun” thing to do (or not because of balance issues and not sure if this really going to change but i doubt that)
new balance changes are live. when r we gonna see these pages updated? regards
basically the tac ultimate skilltree is the best for dps right now. You could change about 5-6 points, its just important that you have 27 points in tac and at least 5 in engi for the battery improvemnt there. In addition, the dmg loss from range reduction (sci skil) is a must have if you’re using energy weapons and eps (eng skill) is a must have too. The rest depend a little bit on the ship/build used and to some points to personal preference
Regeneration vs restoration? Whats the differences btw?
regneration = passive heal for yourself
restoration = increase the heal effect of your boff (captain/some clicky consoles) abilities
Hi, im playing on xbox and trying to retrain my klingon capt. using your kdf skill tree. Everything went fine up to the capt. rank. I can not continue distributing my space points, it states; cannot purcase, prerequisite required. What does that mean?? Hope you can help me out!
Nevermind fixed it, the pic does not display the sience and engineer skill you have to select
For me it shows all 3 in the skilltree, maybe a problem when connecting to the internet with an xbox or so? not sure
Haha yes probably my iphone acting up again
Here is my Engineering tree. I may even tweak it some more. I am also working on one of my builds with this link.
Engineering Skill Tree
I have updated this to be correct with what I have in game.
I’m a Klingon Engineer and looking to be a Tank even though that’s impossible in sto. what ship build is best for space combat pve solo and is there a build in sto academy, also definitely need help on a ground build. I’d like a all out expensive built and an expensive build help please.
Its not impossible in sto. A tank just need to draw the aggro from the enemies => you need to do a decent amount of dps too.
And there are a lot of great consoles and traits supporting survivability. Mainly consoles like Dynamic Power Redistributor, the Samsar console and Protomatter console. an awesome defensive ship trait would be shield overload (in combination with epts) and honored dead (but you normaly need just one of them). As awesome active reputation traits there is the protomatter influx (hull regen and shield heal on inc. crits, lukari rep) and active hull hardening (scaling resistance buff, dyson rep).
With some of these traits/consoles you got a lot of survivability. combine that with attack pattern delta + threat gen doffs (dont forget to use a copy of beta too to cycle both), reverse shield polarity + extend duration and tactical team (one of the best defensive abilities you have ^^).
ground builds could be found in our guides section.
What ship would be recommended I have every c store ship for Klingons on PS4 and every current PS4 event ship,. I like beams and I figured disrupters just cause I have almost every disrupted plus console. But I was thinking polaron , tetryon.
Sadly i’m not sure which ones are already available on ps4. but literally every cruiser will work for that. you might wanna try the chronos dread or the tactical flagship. The miracle worker ships should be a solid choice too.
Is there a science build?
did you mean a sci ultimate build or a build for a sci captain or an epg build?
A Science space and ground build because I’m try out a science class.
For a Ground build check out the ground section under guides https://www.sto-league.com/ground-builds/. both listed sci builds should work generally (dont forget to read the notes)
As for a Sci Captain, most likely a tac ultimate build will be the way to go, since most stuff you get from the sci tree doesnt really help with doing more dmg but boosting shields instead.
in case you want a sci ultimate build, there should be one here: https://www.sto-league.com/breen-chel-boalg-warship/
Would these build with all faction or just one?
yes they would work with all factions and professions basically (beside the kit modules used for the specific profession, but the skilltree is for all the same ^^)
Is this skillbuild good for someone who plays RPG style lets say a tacgtic with a fleet escort who uses torpedos, beams and canons (like the ships in the tv series)?
or is it contraproduktive to this kind of play style?
I’m not an expert, so take my response with a grain of salt. You are using torpedoes so at minimum you would want to add 2-3 ranks in projectile weapons training. Where you would take them from would probably depend on your overall build, but 2 ranks from defensive maneuvering and 1 from targeting expertise is an option.
If you’re strict role playing based on weapon type (example: must be phaser beams/cannons + photon/quantum torpedoes for Federation vessels) and just want to combine torpedoes + energy weapons in a single build, there are some builds around disruptors + the Nausicaan energy torpedo which will allow you to avoid splitting energy/weapon types in your tactical consoles.
Picking one of the energy torpedoes for the respective energy type you use is a good idea so you can boost it with the same tac consoles. I also never saw the Defiant in the series spam fire at will; only occasional beam shots. If it does not ruin the canon immersion you could use the borg cutting beam & console to imitate that. Think that way a canon build is feasible without gimping oneself too much.
The last thing I would do is drop attack pattern beta for the addition of 2-3 different weapon enhancing boff powers. Just go with CSV, TS and Beta and then call it a day?
Could a engineer use this skill tree or any captains
In general any captain.
but you might wanna switch a few points (the 2 from drainX to 1 point shield resistance, 1 point shield regeneration and 1 point from epg to 1 point hull resistance)
Brand new to the game. Approximately 2 weeks now and I have a Fed Tac Officer and an RRW Romulan Engineer. I played WoW for years (Vanilla) and decided to move on. My question is this. My Fed Toon I was thoroughly happy playing until I arrived on the planet Bali Prime. Without my away team with me I’m softer than aloe vera on a soap bubble. I can’t walk more than 50 yards and I’m being owned by NPC’s. His level is 56 ADM. I used a tactical build I found online but I feel my ground build is all wrong. Is there a good template here for ground points?
My Romulan Toon is really fun. High survivabilty in space battles and lots of ground options available to make sure you do ok on the ground. He’s 46 RADM and this toon is making me regret my Tac Officer.
Any suggestions for my Tac Officer to help?
you might wanna check our ground builds (guides section). there are the used kit modules, gear and ground skilltree available.
but in short, get a motivation (exchange/lockbox) and rally cry (exchange/rnd) for your tac captain and in addition if you might wanna try graviton spike (summer event, lohlunats from exchange, module from risa). as a substitute using gravitational junktion+grenade/polaron bombardement
as weapon => full auto rifle or split beam or wide beam (new romulus command as mk i and upgrade or exchange) or herald staff (50 lobi, my prefered overall weapon)
hope that will help you a bit. you might wanna visit us at discord or msg one of us ingame
Bali Prime really is a tourist magnet. But I’d guess you mean Kobali Prime. Try this methods to get some help from your bridge officers:
1) Click on the question mark (the bottom right of the mini-map), then Get GM help, then Stuck. Next Bridge officers stuck or missing followed by Request reinforcements (twice of it doesn’t work the first time).
2) type /fillpetteamlist into your chatbox (press enter)
Are these builds still good in 2018/2019 can’t really
Find anything else as good on this internet, got a Klingon tac officer
If you follow the current meta and use an Aux2Bat build, I’d switch those points from Tac readiness to torps. The two points from improved warp core potential and efficiency to improved hull capacity. And finally the two points from drain to hull plating and shield restoration.
If you don’t use Aux2Bat and anything drain related I’d also move those 2 points to improved hull capacity or hull capacity and hull plating, depending on your build (the former if you use Nukara T6 defence or something that provides resists).
I have a question.
If I have two builds that I wish to share here, one a2b fleet morrigu and one non a2b andorian escort, what are the steps to have them published here?
I also got a kdf build too for a Fleet Matha raptor. And I thought since these are some underused, underdog ships, maybe this will help out on the long run.
Who can I contact? Thanks in advance?
Send your draft to Feli and me and we’ll take a look at your builds.
I need an email address to send them to. Or ingame mail would do it as well?
In-game or on Discord will do!
Taking the suggested ground skill tree as is shown above in the picture, might it be good to take Improved Weapon Penetration and put it in Armor Expert instead?
armor expert just increase the resistance from an armor a bit, so its usualy not worth it to put points into that one.
I was thinking about an earlier comment made by a markus1566, back in April 24, 2016. He said, I quote: “The Armor Skill also increases the additional Bonuses on Armor like CrtD, CrtH or Energy Damage, which is why we suggest skilling that.”
I was trying to make sense of that statement in terms of the suggested skill tree pictured above, which actually does not suggest skilling Armor Expert, only Endurance Training.
Any thought on what was meant by skilling the “Armor Skill,” if it still applies? Or is there a better way to improve CrtD and CrtH of armor?
that was 4 years ago and got changed a few years ago. armor skill does NOT improve crtd/crth from an armor anymore.
feel free to join our discord to ask such questions, you could actually just use your browser for that