Dear DPS-chasers,
In light of recently renewed uncertainty and confusion on the subject we would like to remind you all of our stance on uploading modified logfiles: and To further clarify: This includes any modifications to logs before uploading. Please note that this violates channel rule #3 from here: As mentioned in previous posts, if you are unsure about the validity of a log, please ask us before uploading in CLR and we will be sure to discuss it with you.
Furthermore, our position on modified logfiles will be extended to include a rule regarding logging or warping out: Leaving the map before it is completed (when the “operation complete” graphic displays) to shorten the own combat time is not allowed.
We have discussed certain strategies a lot recently and concluded that this could be used to shorten combat time of a player significantly, even though they otherwise would still be participating in the combat. This gives an unfair advantage in our opinion and will therefore be forbidden. It is better to err on the side of caution for these issues and deciding on a case-by-case basis for these things is too time consuming and may make some players feel excluded or at a disadvantage.
We would also like to mention again that CLR already filters actions and lines that can extend the duration of a combat unwantedly. This includes, but is not limited to: heals, warp core breaches and plasma dots. We might extend this list in the future, however, if and when is not decided at this point.
To conclude, #3 of our channel rules now reads:
3. Fake, manipulated or incomplete parses will not be accepted and uploading such logfiles may result in a permanent ban from the league.
Briefly summarized this means: No trimming or editing of any kind, no stopping the CombatLog before the map is complete (= all enemy entities are dead) and all players have to stay on the map until completion. Please refer to the posts mentioned in the text above for full clarification as to what counts as a complete and valid parse.
It says ‘contact me’ with an ingame e-mail on the FAQ for CLR, but it never says who ‘me’ is. I have a character classified as TAC that is actually ENG, and I was wondering if it could be fixed. I read another comment response here. I use my ENG captain abilities all the time. I was listed as ENG on there for many years, then parsed something back in 2021 that changed it I guess. Who should I e-mail? I’ve actually gone down the list of contact names that used to be here, (maybe still are?) and never got a response. Also tried in the channels ingame over the years and never got a response. I love what you have set up, I just want to be listed correctly so that my ENG record actually looks as impressive as it is! I will check here from time to time for the contact I should use…
Hey, as we have already said in other posts: The detection of whether a character is Tac, Eng or Sci is automated based on the captain skills used. (Not Eng skills, but the unique captain skills, just to be sure). If none are used, the individual run of this character is entered as Tac, because this is true for the majority of players. This is done automatically and cannot be changed manually by us. However, it is also sufficient to make another record run with the same toon to overwrite the existing entry and have the correct character class displayed. If the incorrect run is still listed in the other class, you are welcome to let us know so that we can delete it manually from the table.
Which run exactly is it about? I’d like to take a look at it.
As for the contact topic: You can find out who “we” are under “Team”. All four admins are actually easy to reach ingame. If that doesn’t work or somehow goes down, the safest way is our Discord server. The access is linked above.